Careers in Government Series

You are kindly invited to attend the end of term colloquium for ENGL 796: Cultural Politics – The Very Idea. Students from the class will present brief papers applying their work on the course to a wide variety of cultural political movements and artists. Please feel free to come to some or all of the sessions, which will begin at 12 noon.
Waterloo’s Writing and Communication Centre is currently accepting applications for Dissertation Boot Camp. This online program, which is designed to help dissertation and thesis writers to get a jump start on their writing goals, runs Monday, April 15th to Thursday, April 19th from 9am to 4pm each day.
The University of Guelph is hosting a series of 4-day workshops on topics related to digital humanities research and teaching. In our largest array of offerings to date, there are courses on augmented reality, digitizing manuscripts, public engagement, teaching from the archives, and text transformation.
What? Through discussion and hands-on activities in this half-day workshop, you will learn how to prepare an effective résumé and cover letter by analyzing job descriptions, assessing the relevance of your transferable skills and articulating these transferable skills in an action-oriented way.
When? Monday, May 13, 9:30am-12:30pm
Where? TC 2218 (Tatham Centre)
How do I sign up? Registration instructions found here.
What? Bring your laptop or pen and paper and get drafting or improving your résumé and cover letter. Career Advisors and your peers will be available for feedback and guidance. Note: To attend this afternoon session you must attend the morning workshop “Résumé and Cover Letter Writing for Graduate Students and Postdocs.”
When? Monday, May 13, 1:30pm-3:30pm
Where? TC 2218 (Tatham Centre)
What? In this interactive workshop, you’ll practice translating academic language to industry language, apply strategies for answering interview questions and evaluate the effectiveness of responses to interview questions.
When? Wednesday, May 22, 1:30pm-3:30pm
Where? TC 2218 (Tatham Centre)
How do I sign up? Registration instructions found here.