Our researchers are examining the law, economics and politics of water.
Get to know their expertise.
Advancing Sustainable Development Goal 6

Our researchers
Kelsey Leonard
School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Ocean and water policy
- Earth law and Indigenous Law
- Ocean/Coastal/Marine Participatory Mapping
- Indigenous climate change policy
- Indigenous data sovereignty
Rob de Loë
School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Water governance and water policy
- Water security
- Water allocation, drinking water source protection
- Adaptation to climate change
Quinn Lewis
Geography and Environmental Management
- Morphology and evolution of fluvial landscapes
- Research on process, form, and the transfer of material and energy that links morphology and evolution of fluvial landscapes
- Developing new techniques to study lake and reservoir water levels globally with remote sensing
Dustin Garrick
School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
- Water policy, economics and governance
- Water, agriculture and development policy
- Property rights, incentives and commons governance
- Social-ecological transitions
Prateep Nayak
School of Environment, Enterprise and Development
- Environmental governance
- Social-ecological system resilience
- Environmental justice
- Political ecology
- Can also supervise graduate students in the School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Jeremy Pittman
Environmental policy and governance in the Anthropocene
- Landscape- and seascape-scale approaches to planning
- Human communities in an interconnected world
- Social-ecological connectivity
- Can also supervise graduate students in the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development and the School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Larry Swatuk
School of Environment, Enterprise and Development
- Water management
- Environmental politics
- The south in globalization
- Natural resources governance
- Can also supervise graduate students in Geography and Environmental Management
Derek Armitage
School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Management and governance of aquatic systems (coastal-marine and freshwater)
- Human dimensions of environmental change
- Social-ecological systems
- Resilience
Felicitas Egunyu
School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
- Environmental governance
- Social impact assessment
- Social learning
- Science and policy integration
- Can also supervise graduate students in School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability

Graham Epstein
School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
- Environmental governance
- Collective action
- Landscape ecology of institutions
- Human dimensions of conservation

Leah Jones-Crank
School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
- Water-energy-food nexus
- Water governance
- Stakeholder engagement
- Urban governance
- Sustainable transitions
- Can supervise graduate students in the School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability

Dan Murray
School of Environment, Enterprise and Development
- Environmental planning in rural and agricultural settings
- Policy development and evaluation
- Research design, methods, and research project management
- Sport and Sustainability