May 2020 teaching survey results

In May 2020, we conducted a survey about members' experiences preparing for the 2020 spring and fall terms amid the transition to fully remote delivery, to help us advocate for our members’ interests.

Highlights: Spring 2020 teaching preparation

131 survey respondents said that they were teaching one or more courses in spring 2020 that wasn’t planned to be online before the pandemic. Only those respondents were asked the remaining questions about the spring term. Here are some highlights:

  • Our members required varying amounts of support going into the spring term. 40% of respondents reported that they "needed a lot of support to move their spring courses online." 32% disagreed with that statement.
  • Member expectations and willingness to spend extra time on teaching also varied. 36% of respondents thought that they "should not have to spend additional time on teaching duties now relative to a normal (non-pandemic) spring term". 42% disagreed.
  • 74% of respondents said they largely figured things out on their own for the spring term.
  • Only 53% felt that they received adequate support for spring term overall.
  • 55% felt they received adequate support from their chair or director.
  • Despite these supports, 74% of respondents teaching in spring felt more unprepared than usual at the start of term.

Highlights: Fall 2020 planning

Of the 283 respondents teaching in fall 2020, only 36% felt that they had been consulted about fall term planning. A further 27% said they have been "partially" consulted, and 37% reported not having been consulted.

Only 30% of respondents teaching in fall agreed with the statement "It's clear to me how decisions are being made regarding the way I should deliver my course(s) in the fall term."

All results

Question 1: Are you teaching one or more courses in spring 2020 that wasn’t planned to be online before the pandemic?

Yes No Total
131 213 344
38.08% 61.92% 100.00%

Question 2: Please rate the following statements about support for moving your spring course(s) online based on how accurately they describe your situation.

(Asked of 131 respondents answering "yes" to Question 1.)

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly agree Total (excluding n/a responses) N/A
I need(ed) a lot of support to move my spring courses online 12 29 36 30 22 129 2
9.30% 22.48% 27.91% 23.26% 17.05%    
I managed to figure things out largely on my own 7 12 14 46 51 130 1
5.38% 9.23% 10.77% 35.38% 39.23%    
I received the support I needed from my associate chair 11 10 33 29 38 121 10
9.09% 8.26% 27.27% 23.97% 31.40%    
I received support from CTE and/or CEL (directly or via workshops) 7 18 24 50 21 120 11
5.83% 15.00% 20.00% 41.67% 17.50%    
The Keep Learning website was helpful for me 5 22 38 44 8 117 14
4.27% 18.80% 32.48% 37.61% 6.84%    
I received adequate support overall 10 19 32 50 20 131 0
7.63% 14.50% 24.43% 38.17% 15.27%    
I feel more unprepared for this term than I normally would at this point in the term 5 16 12 43 53 129 2
3.88% 12.40% 9.30% 33.33% 41.09%    
I should not have to spend additional time on teaching duties now relative to a normal (non-pandemic) spring term 19 36 26 28 19 128 3
14.84% 28.13% 20.31% 21.88% 14.84%    

Question 3: Are you teaching in the fall 2020 term?

Yes No Total
283 61 344
82.27% 17.73% 100.00%

Question 4: Have you been consulted by your department or more senior administrators for your thoughts on fall term planning?

Yes No Partially Total
102 104 77 283
36.04% 36.75% 27.21% 100.00%

Question 5: It's clear to me how decisions are being made regarding the way I should deliver my course(s) in the fall term.

Agree Disagree Total
82 201 283
28.98% 71.02% 100.00%