FAUW Service Opportunities

Thursday, March 5, 2020 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Serving on the FAUW Board of Directors or one of our committees is an opportunity for you to represent your colleagues and contribute to the collegial governance of the University. It is a great way to gain experience with the functioning of the University, and to build your service portfolio in a way that is both relevant to your performance review and personally interesting and rewarding. 

We have a growing range of opportunities to get involved with FAUW. Come enjoy some snacks while you hear about our:

  • Board of Directors, which oversees FAUW operations and sets priorities
  • Council of Representatives, which provides two-way communication between the FAUW Board and each academic unit
  • Lecturers Committee, which advises the Board on issues affecting lecturers’ working conditions
  • Hagey Lectures Committee, which plans the annual public, high-profile Hagey Lecture
  • Indigenization Working Group, which helps faculty members better understand and take action on Indigenization and reconciliation efforts
  • Climate Justice Working Group, a new initiative that will bring faculty members together to work toward a just, climate-safe future
  • Equity Committee, which maintains a watching brief on equity issues, and makes recommendations to the Board

This year, we’re holding elections for six Faculty-specific seats and one at-large seat—nominations close March 13!—and most committees/working groups will be recruiting new members in the spring (April/May). Board seats are often contested and most committees get more applications each year than there are spaces available. This session will give you a sense of what's involved, what we’re looking for, and how to nominate yourself.