Monday, January 4, 2016
Changes to the FAUW Constitution were approved at the Fall General Meeting on December 9, 2015.The most significant changes were:
Section 6: Board of Directors
- The Board complement is increased to 13 voting directors (including the president and past president).
Section 7: Elections
- In order to better represent the diversity of faculty appointments and the importance of having viewpoints and experiences from all Faculties at the FAUW table, the Board composition is changed from eight directors at large to:
- one director elected by and from the members of each of the six Faculties
- one member elected by and from the members holding the rank of Lecturer
- four members elected by and from the membership at large
- The president will be elected in the fall (in advance of the other Board members who are elected in the winter term). This will allow departments more time to plan around the associated course reductions and enable a longer transition and shadowing process.
- The president’s term is extended to two years, consistent with other Board members and recognizing the large learning curve involved in holding this position.
Section 15: Voting of Members
- Updated to reflect the shift to electronic rather than paper balloting.
Section 16: Fiscal Year
- FAUW’s fiscal year end will be moved from December 31 to April 30 in order to coincide with the fiscal year end of the University and with the cycle of FAUW activities, which generally coincides with the academic year rather than the calendar year.
Section 19: Committees
- Committees have been amended to reflect current active standing committees. An Executive Committee is added and the Political Relations Committee, which has been inactive for many years, has been removed. Reference to editor of the FAUW newsletter has also been removed, as the newsletter has been replaced by a blog and regular president’s updates to the membership.
You can read the Constitution here.