FAUW is launching a new slate of lunch & learns and faculty meetups this year, in addition to our regular workshops, reading circles, and general meetings.
Here's what's coming up first:
September 18: Faculty Meetup: Climate Justice
Join other faculty interested in exploring our role in confronting the climate crisis and its multiple injustices, global and local. 12:00 p.m. in the Grad House boardroom.
September 20: New Faculty & Family Dinner
FAUW and the University invite all faculty who've started since last September to a casual family-friendly dinner at the University Club on September 20.
September 24: Lunch & Learn: Campus Tech Tips
Representatives from Information Services & Technology will map out the landscape of tech services for faculty. Noon in MC 5479. Lunch is provided.
September 27: Indigenization Reading Circle
Want to know more about Indigenization and reconciliation in the university context? Join us on the last Friday of each month at 10:30 a.m. in EV1-221. Everyone is welcome.