Childcare Working Group

Opportunity type: Employment type:

What's involved

FAUW is seeking at least 6 members to form a working group to assess current daycare services and capacity, and make recommendations to the FAUW Board for the future of daycare services for all members of the campus community (faculty, staff and students).

Once formed, the group will determine how often to meet, with the goal of producing a report within 6 to 12 months.


For more information, see the presentation about childcare on campus from the July 12 FAUW-side Chat event.


  • Conscientious, collaborative, and equity-minded
  • Invested in representing the best interests of all faculty, staff and students with children
  • Expertise in child development or other related fields is an asset
  • Membership is not exclusive to parents

For more information, contact Daycare Working Group Lead Nasser Abukhdeir.