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The Faculty Grievance Committee (FGC) is composed of a Chair and six Members with tenured or continuing appointments, appointed jointly by the Association and University Presidents. Normally, the Chair shall be appointed for a two-year term and the other six members for overlapping three-year terms. All may be reappointed for additional terms, to a maximum of six consecutive years. The FGC shall agree annually upon an ordered list of its members.

This Committee, appointed by the Vice-President, Academic & Provost in consultation with Deans' Council and the President of the Faculty Association, shall advise on regular faculty appointments of duration more than two years. UARC shall consist of one or more members from each Faculty, and shall include at least two women and two men. The term of office is three years, staggered to provide continuity. The Chair of UARC is chosen from among its members by the Vice-President, Academic & Provost.

There 6 vacancies: 1 Arts, 2 Engineering, 2 Environment, 1 Math

The Academic Freedom & Tenure Committee (AF&T) helps faculty members with workplace problems.

These problems range from the application of University policy or the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA), to concerns about tenure, promotion, and performance reviews.

Graduate student supervision requires complex interaction between graduate students and the graduate supervisor. Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA), in collaboration with the Graduate Student Association (GSA), established this award to recognize exemplary faculty members who have demonstrated excellence in graduate student supervision, through being a mentor, advisor, role model, humanist and a strategist who exemplifies a high level of energy and ingenuity. Normally, three faculty members will be recognized annually.

The Copyright Advisory Committee (CAC) serves as the primary forum for collaborative decision-making regarding copyright1 and its applications2 on campus. The committee will work to keep campus administration, faculty, staff, and students informed about the current and ongoing status of copyright and licensing related issues, projects, and developments. The CAC supports campus administration, faculty, staff, and students in their use of copyright protected works, through either Copyright Act3 exceptions or license permissions. There is one FAUW seat open beginning July 1, 2024.

The Equity Committee engages in education and advocacy activities to promote equity on campus, maintains a watching brief on equity issues, and makes recommendations to the Faculty Association Board of Directors about policy changes to pursue.

The Hagey Lectures Committee has one representative from each faculty and one from the Affiliated & Federated Institutions (AFIW), selected by the provost and the president of FAUW. There are currently vacancies for: Engineering, Environment, Math and AFIW.

Each year, this committee selects an eminent speaker who will present to both the university community and the general public.

The Nominating and Elections Committee oversees FAUW elections, and works to find the best-suited people to represent FAUW members on the Board and on University and joint committees. This committee is a recent expansion of the Elections Committee. We are seeking at least one more member for a two-year term starting immediately.

The Pension & Benefits Committee administers the employee Pension Plan and benefits plans approved by the Board. There is one FAUW seat open beginning May 1, 2024 until April 30, 2027