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The Games Institute welcomes 4 new faculty members
The Games Institute is very pleased to welcome four new faculty members (in alphabetical order): Robert Burns from Kinesiology, Dr. Daniel Harley from the Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business, Dr. Luke Potwarka from Recreation and Leisure Studies, and Dr. Muhammad Umair Shah from Management Sciences. In lieu of walking them around the Institute for face-to-face introductions, we asked them a few questions so our community can get to know them better...
The Games Institute Celebrates FDA Approving The First Prescription Video Game For Kids With ADHD
For the first time, US doctors can prescribe a video game. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just approved EndeavorRX as an effective treatment for kids with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD
– quoted from "The FDA Just Approved The First Prescription Video Game For Kids With ADHD" by David Nield in Science Alert.
Watch the YouTube Video of GEDI's panel event with 6 GI Members "The Post-COVID-19 Reboot: Our virtual future"
Missed the event from Thursday, June 25? Watch it now on YouTube. Drs. Aynur Kadir, Jennifer Boger, Jim Wallace, and Michael Barnett-Cowan of the Games Institute, Scotiabank's Andrea Kerswill, and Glove System's Ray Simonson talk about what we have seen so far about our attempt to capitalize on virtual technology to manage through the crisis, the pros and cons of virtual connectivity, what weaknesses of virtual reality have been exposed, and how to reinvent the future.
Panel featuring six GI members: "Rebooting with Research: Our virtual future"
Gateway for Enterprises to Discover Innovation (GEDI) presents the culmination of their 6-part event series, Post-COVID-19 Reboot...
"Rebooting with Research: Our virtual future" will take place June 25, 2020, at 1pm, featuring a fully-packed GI member panel. Dr. Neil Randall, Games Institute Executive Director and Chair of the Council for Responsible Innovation and Technology, moderates the event.
Expert panelists include:
Read about player perceptions of personal space on large, multi-touch displays
This week, our Research Spotlight blog features work by Rina Wehbe, PhD student from the Cheriton School of Computer Science, and collaborators Terence Dickson, Anastasia Kuzminykh, Lennart E. Nacke, and Edward Lank. Originally published for the CHI 2020 proceedings, this work looks at player perceptions of personal space on large, multi-touch displays.
Pam Schmidt receives the English Co-op Report Award in recognition for her work at the Games Institute
Pamela Maria Schmidt, currently Research Projects Facilitator at the Games Institute, received the English Co-op Report Award in recognition of her significant contribution to our community during her co-op terms.
Toolkit for Publishing in the Humanities available as a PDF
We turned the insights from Dr. Shana MacDonald's talk "Publishing in the Humanities" into a handy toolkit, suitable for an interdisciplinary audience. In convenient PDF form, we hope this toolkit helps to break down the mystique of publishing and show you that you're not alone.
Spring 2020 GI Game Jam is all Virtual! June 25-28 - Register now
The GI Game Jam returns virtually for four days, June 25th - June 28th.
For the 1st time ever, the entire event is online.
Build a game with your team, join a thriving community & have lots of fun. Check out our website for more information or visit our Eventbrite to register!
Seven GI faculty members receive Outstanding Performance Awards for 2019
Seven GI faculty members are among receipients of Outstanding Performance Awards for 2019, awarded to them by the University of Waterloo.