Waterloo, Kitchener and Cambridge 1/2 metre contours (2015)

Created by the Geospatial Centre staff, this unique product was derived from 2015 SWOOP 2 metre DEM (Digital Elevation Model) imagery provided by the MNRF (Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry) Ontario.

The City of Kitchener orthomosaic (2018)

This data resource is a colour compressed orthomosaic, stored in MrSID image format and covers the City of Kitchener. Pixel resolution is 12 cm. The full colour orthomosaic was provided to the Geospatial Centre by the City of Kitchener in July 2020.

City of Kitchener: municipal data (2020)

Recent City of Kitchener municipal data (2020) updates include: addresses, bridges, buildings, business directory, downtown boundary, parks, railways, roads, sidewalks, storm service pipes, storm stream reach, trails and water mains.

Region of Waterloo: zoning 2020

This unique product was created by Geospatial Centre staff by combining: Waterloo zoning (2019), Kitchener zoning (2019), Cambridge zoning (2018) with Teranet's Waterloo Assessment file (2008).

Region of Waterloo: land use 2020

This unique product was created by Geospatial Centre staff by combining: Southern Ontario Land Resource Information System (SOLRIS) 3.0 (2000 - 2015) with Teranet's Waterloo Assessment (2018).

City of Toronto Lidar (2015)

This data resource was received from Airborne Imaging in April, 2020.  The 1 km x 1 km tiled data was collected April 2015 with an average flying height above ground of 1,300 metres (m) producing a Horizontal Accuracy, 95% or 2σ: 30 cm and a Fundamental Vertical Accuracy (on flat hard surfaces), 95% or 2σ: 10 cm.

The data set includes 1 metre Grids (XYZ ASCII), Hillside Images (Geotiffs), Point cloud (LAS v1.2 and 50cm Contours.

Virtual Scavenger Hunt!

Got a bit of cabin fever and wish you could expand your sights a bit more? Take a break and have some fun exploring Kitchener and the world around you (virtually, of course!).

Workshop: Getting started with ArcGIS

Tuesday, February 25th –1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Dana Porter Computer Lab (LIB 329)

You may have heard of GIS, but what exactly is it, and more importantly, how can you use it in your own research and academic work?

This introductory workshop presents the basic concepts of GIS and will teach you the skills you need to find geospatial data, map it, and discover new dimensions of information.

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

Workshop: QGIS + Open source GIS

Monday, February 24th - 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Dana Porter Computer Lab (LIB 329)

Ever wanted to try Open Source GIS but didn’t know where to start?

This workshop builds on “Getting Started with ArcGIS” (a recommended prerequisite for those with no previous GIS experience) but isn’t absolutely necessary. It will go through the in's and out's of QGIS and also cover other alternative Open Source GIS platforms.

Workshop: Getting familiar with agent based modelling - GIS

Thursday, February 27 - 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Dana Porter Computer Lab (LIB 329)

In this workshop, we will explore agent based modelling using spatial data as an environment.

An agent based model (ABM) is a class of computational models for simulating the actions and interactions of autonomous agents (both individual for collective entities such as organizations or groups) with a view to assessing their effects on the system as a whole. - Wikipedia