PLAN 480 -
Theory and practice of planning in the U.K. (Oxford)
PLAN 480 is a senior level elective course offered to students in their final term. This course is conductive on campus and at Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, England. Brookes is one of the most highly regarded planning schools in the UK and this course has been running for more than 30 years! During the winter term at Waterloo, there is a series of introductory lectures followed by three weeks of study at Oxford Brookes.
Because much Canadian planning theory and practice has roots in the UK , PLAN 480 has been developed to give students a first-hand experience of planning in the UK. Topics given special attention through seminars and field trips include
- urban design from the 18th Century onwards
- the Garden City and New Town movements,
- heritage, tourism, housing, and planning for climate change.
Oxford Brookes FAQ
- The cost of the course including air travel, tuition, field trips, accommodation and meals is approximately $4,500. These costs vary depending on the number of students enrolled and the current exchange rate. Students should budget additional amounts for their own entertainment, travel, and other incidentals. Those interested are encouraged to begin making financial arrangements early.
- Open to fourth year students, preference give to 4B students in good academic standing with no outstanding fees
- All required administrative documents is the student's responsibility including submitting forms and payments, obtaining visas if necessary and ensuring they have an up to date passport
- Students will be officially enrolled by the Undergraduate Advisor once nonrefundable deposits are paid
For more information, contact the Planning Undergraduate Advisor.
PLAN 490 - Senior honours essay
The Senior Honours Essay (SHE) is for those who wish to include major personal research as part of their Academic Plan, and is good preparation for a thesis-based Master’s program.
The purpose of the Senior Honours Essay, completed in fourth year, is to provide practical experience in:
- identification of a problem of importance in the Planning field
- conducting individual research into this problem
- presenting the results of the research in the form of a scholarly document that meets both accepted professional and academic standards
The Senior Honours Essay is a quite detailed and substantial essay and is essentially an undergraduate thesis. Read about common types of essays.
Selecting the research problem and advisor
- Identify a broad field of interest within Planning. It may relate to summer work experience or a subject that you would like to see explored further than is possible in class.
- Within this broad field, select a specific problem or topic. Bear in mind the five research approaches available and attempt to state the problem within the context of one of these approaches, keeping in mind that you may wish to combine two or more approaches, given a particular topic.
- Discuss the problem or topic with as many faculty members as possible. They will evaluate the reasonableness of your topic and help you select an appropriate personal Advisor.
- Complete a senior honours essay - agreement between student and advisor form (PDF) with your advisor and submit a copy to the School’s undergraduate advisor.
- The SHE advisor will advise and assist you with the conduct of your research. The advisory function is seen as a learning experience primarily, rather than administrative process. The primary responsibility for the latter rests with the School’s undergraduate advisor.
Time frame of the essay
The duration of the essay will span over two terms, and is worth 1.0 unit. Much of the data required for analysis of the research problem should be collected during the first term. This is also an appropriate time to do any necessary background reading. If the research problem necessitates the gathering of information at a distance from the Kitchener-Waterloo area, it is essential that this phase of the project be well advanced before you begin the second term at which time you will write the bulk of the essay. The efforts should be reviewed with your SHE Advisor as outlined in the contract between student and advisor.
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