PhD Candidate | Planning

Prior Degrees
Master of Arts, Planning, University of Waterloo, 2019
Master of Engineering, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China, 2015
Bachelor of Architecture, Architecture, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China, 2012
Planning Interests
- Urban Resettlement and Urbanization in China
- Urban form and urban morphology
- Space syntax
- Art-led gentrification and industrial heritage conservation
- Critical urban studies
Research Topic
Rural-to-urban resettlement in China (PhD dissertation).
Presentations/Publications/Professional Experience
- Yang, C., & Qian, Z. (2022). Street network or functional attractors? Capturing pedestrian movement patterns and urban form with the integration of space syntax and MCDA. URBAN DESIGN International, 1-16.
- Yang, C., & Qian, Z. (2021). ‘Resettlement with Chinese characteristics’: the distinctive political-economic context,(in) voluntary urbanites, and three types of mismatch. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 1-20.
- Yang, C., & Qian, Z. (2021). Adding an underground layer to urban morphology—Case study of Beijing subway’s implication on urban form. ISUF 2020 Virtual Conference Proceedings, 1.
- Yang, C. and Qian, Z., (August 31, 2021). The production of concentrated resettlement communities for landless farmers in China's unbalanced urbanization: the case of Hangzhou Economic and Technical Development Zone. The RGS-IBG Annual International Conference. Online. (Oral presentation).
- Yang, C. and Qian, Z., (July 27, 2021). China’s integrated urban-rural development: a development mode outside the planetary urbanization paradigm? 4th International Conference on Canadian, Chinese and African Sustainable Urbanization (ICCCASU4). Montreal, Canada. (Oral presentation).
- Yang, C. and Qian, Z., (November 06, 2020). Generational Difference and Spatial Mismatch of Concentrated Resettlement Communities in China. ACSP 2020 Annual Conference. Toronto, Canada. (Poster presentation).
- Yang, C. and Qian, Z., (September 03, 2020). Adding an underground layer to urban morphology – case study of Beijing subway’s implication on urban form. International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Utah, Salt Laker City, USA. (Oral presentation).
- Yang, C. and Qian, Z., (July 09, 2019). New perspective on urban form with the integration of space syntax and new urban data: An exploratory analysis in Xi’an, China. International Space Syntax Symposium. Beijing, China. (Oral presentation).
- Professional Experience: Architect, China Shanghai Architecture Design and Research Institute CO. LTD, 2015-2016
Of Note
- Student Member of Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP)
At the University of Waterloo
- Executive committee member, Student Teaching Excellence Committee (STEC), 2019 - now
- Teaching Assistant, GEOG/PLAN 349 Urban Form and Internal Spatial Structure, 2018 Spring
- Teaching Assistant, GEOG/PLAN 281 Introduction to GIS, 2018 Winter
- Teaching Assistant, PLAN 105 Introduction to Planning Analysis, 2017 Fall