Our primary goal is customer service.
We offer computing support for the Faculty of Science. We want to help you...
Stay connected
- Email client configuration for on-campus and off-campus email accounts
- Wireless connection for laptops and other mobile devices
- Nexus lab locations and scheduling information
- Mapping your R: drive and connecting remotely so you can work from anywhere
- Troubleshooting wired connections on campus
- Troubleshooting login problems (Nexus accounts, Connect email, Office 365, WatIAM/Quest, etc.)
Get the content you want
- Help avoid spam or set up other filters for email
- Support for software and web resources (e.g. MS Office, library resources, Refworks, LEARN, adding funds to WatCard, printing)
Maintain the high performance you need
- Troubleshooting performance issues
- Support for malware detection and removal
Connect with resources
- Setup for meetings/defenses (usually requested through departmental grad coordinator)
- Faculty member lab bookings
- Backups for faculty member research
- Flatbed scanner for student scanning
- Hardware configuration/hookup, upgrades, and troubleshooting assistance