Markbox is a powerful system used across the University of Waterloo to create and mark tests and evaluations for various courses. Before getting started, you must use Google Chrome as your browser which allows cookies. Documentation describing how to use the markbox 2.0 software is availible on the University of Waterloo's Markbox website, which can be logged into by using one's University of Waterloo Userid and Password.
Login to MarkBox:
This scanner is located in B1 283.
When using the Fujitsu fi-7180 scanner for MarkBox, you can optionally cut the stapled corner off your exams with the paper cutter to prevent the exams from sticking to each other during scanning. Be careful not to remove the black dot in that corner.
If you don’t cut the stapled corner off, you will want to scan your sheets bottom-first, see Step 4.
Log in to the laptop that’s attached to the scanner using your Nexus/WatIAMuserid and password.
Ensure that the scanner is turned on – it times out after a period of inactivity.
Ensure the scanner is positioned correctly, exactly one sheet length away from the wall so that the paper will stack in order when it comes out.
Click the "^" symbol in the System Tray at the lower right of the screen, then right-click on the
- On the “Save” tab, click the “Browse…” button and select “Desktop > OneDrive – University of Waterloo.” Click “OK.” (This will allow the software to save temporary files in your user space; the default location is unfortunately not writeable, and if this change is not made your scan will not work).

- On the “Scanning” tab, set the parameters to the following:
Image quality: Best
Colour mode: B&W
Scanning side: Simplex Scan (Single-sided) or **Duplex Scan (Double-sided)** as appropriate.
It is okay to scan in duplex if your exam is double-sided as long as the coding sheets are single-sided (if the first page of the exam is printed on the back of the coding sheet, there can be bleed-through that interferes with reading the coding sheet).
Check the box next to “Continue scanning after current scan is finished” (this will allow you to scan a large pile in batches without having to rush to insert the next batch).
On the “File option” tab, confirm that the "File format" is set to "PDF(*.pdf)" Leave the “Convert to Searchable PDF” box unchecked.
On the “Paper” tab, ensure that “Paper size” is set to “Automatic detection” and that "Multifeed Detection" is set to “Check Overlapping [Ultrasonic]."
If you have cut the stapled corner off, load your originals face down with the top of the page first (this will generate a scan that is right-side-up).
If you have not cut the stapled corner off, you should load the originals face down with the bottom of the page first (you will have to rotate them in Adobe after you have scanned them). The scanner will accommodate up to 80 sheets at a time. If you have more than 80 sheets and the settings are configured correctly, the software will allow you to add more sheets at the end of each run and the resulting pdf will be a single file with all the scanned sheets in it.
On the scanner itself, press the “Scan/Enter” button to start your scan.
When your first set of originals has been scanned, you will be presented with a dialogue allowing you to either finish the scan or add more originals to the file.
If you don’t have more originals, click “Finish scanning.”
If you do have more originals, load the next set of 80 sheets or less on the feeder and click “Continue scanning.” Repeat this process until you have cycled through all of your originals.
Once you have clicked “Finish scanning,” you will be presented with a dialogue allowing you to save the scan to a file. Choose “Scan to Folder.” A good save location is the Documents folder on your N drive, which you can map from any campus- or VPN-connected machine. For more information please see, N: drive.

- In the next dialogue, you will be able to edit the filename, which defaults to the date and time, and the save location. Once you are happy with your filename and save location, click “Save.”

- Stay logged in until the blue OneDrive – University of Waterloo icon in the system tray no longer has the "double-arrow" sync icon showing. This will ensure that the file associated with your scan is completely synced to the cloud and will be available from your other machines.

After scanning the test answers, you can proceed with marking your test using MarkBox
Issues or Concerns? Please contact the Science Computing Helpdesk.