World Wetlands Day 2021
9th Annual World Wetlands Day Research Symposium at the University of Waterloo
9th Annual World Wetlands Day Research Symposium at the University of Waterloo
Join us for casual conversations with quantum researchers.
What makes a superconducting qubit tick? How does experience in a research lab prepare you for working on major projects after graduation?
We’ll talk about these topics and more with IQC alumnus Thomas McConkey, now a Microwave Design Engineer at IBM Q, at the next virtual fireside chat.
Tune in live on YouTube.
Professor German Sciaini from the Department of Chemistry will introduce you to the new development in his research lab where capabilities of Transmission Electron Microscopy in liquid are pushed to its extreme. You can now take images and even record videos of moving nanoparticles with unprecedented resolution. Learn how WatCo is helping Professor Sciaini's group commercialize his technology, and how various types of Intellectual Property come to play.
Faculty members, Research staff, Safety Office staff, Research Ethics staff, and Information Systems & Technology staff involved in research using biological, chemical, radiological, or nuclear materials or technology are invited to join Public Safety Canada (PSC) for the Safeguarding science workshop.
You are invited to attend the Friesen lecture featuring Sir Mark Walport, recipient of the 2020 Henry G. Friesen International Prize in Health Research. Sir Walport is a physician-scientist, academic leader, and visionary health research planner who retired in 2020 from his role as Chief Executive of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) which brings together the seven research councils, Innovate UK and Research England. He is a champion of fundamental science in health research, engineering, technology and innovation.
Join the Water Institute World Water Day 2022 celebrations.
The Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology (WIN) has launched a new seminar series, Quantum Nano Collision (QNC) Seminar Series, to deepen the engagement of the Waterloo researchers who work at the interface of quantum and nanotechnologies. This seminar series will also provide opportunities for senior graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and research associates to present their innovative work along with the faculty members to bring together the excitement around these cutting-edge technologies that would shape our future.
With only one month until you begin your first year at UWaterloo, the Science Undergraduate Office wants to help you Get Waterloo Ready by answering all your questions.
Join our team of advisors as they answer some of the most frequently asked questions from incoming students about academics and courses. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask them anything in real-time.
The Department of Physics and Astronomy is hosting students in Grades 7 and 8 on campus in-person on November 26th for free hands-on activity workshops, inspiring talks, and a panel discussion, to encourage and engage female and non-binary students to explore physics. This event is free, and participants are expected to stay for the whole event. Registration is now closed for the 2022 event.
The University of Waterloo's March Break Open House will be on Saturday, March 18, 2023 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET.
Can't join us in person? March Break Open House virtual sessions will be held on Wednesday, March 15, 2023. Register to receive details and links to the sessions.