Rose - Biomedical Sciences

Science Ambassador
Rose reading

Program: Biomedical Sciences

Year: 4

Stream of study: Regular

Pronouns: She/Her

Career goal: Pursuing graduate school and doing research for now!

How I get involved: I've been an executive member of a few clubs on campus such as uwrighttoplay and the Biomedical sciences student association and I'm planning to join more clubs this term! Ive also volunteered with U at Waterloo day, and Science ready day earlier this year. I also volunteered at the science CnD this past spring term and I'm volunteering again this fall and winter term. I was also an orinetation leader welcoming students before the start of this term! Outside of school, I volunteer at the hospital whenever I have free time :) 

Why I love my program

With the goal of going to professional school, I love that Biomedical Sciences offers all the required courses for my  professional schools of interest while stilling providing me with flexibility with my courses. I have been able to statisfy the course requirements for graduate/professional school allwhile being able to take a variety of courses in other fields such as music and languages!  

Why University of Waterloo?

Aside from being from Watelroo myself, upon visiting campus on open house days I immediately felt a sense of belonging because of the welcoming nature of the students, staff and ambassadors. I truly felt like I have been going to this university for a ages eventhough I was only at the open house! Eversince then, I knew that the University of Waterloo would be the right fit for me! 

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