Awards database: search results

This database is provided to assist current undergraduate students explore award and funding opportunities at Waterloo.

We endeavour to ensure that all information in the database remains accurate; however, it is subject to change at any time depending on available funding, changes made to the eligibility criteria, and new award opportunities.

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9

Funding is available each year to support undergraduate and graduate refugee students who are sponsored by the World University Service of Canada at Waterloo (WUSC) or any other students who are...

The Government of Ontario provides bursary assistance for Indigenous students with financial need, as assessed by the educational institution. The bursary is open to eligible undergraduate...

Mature undergraduate students who are studying on campus on a part-time basis and who are encountering financial difficulties are invited to apply. To be considered, applicants must be enrolled in...

Several bursaries, of varying value, are awarded to full- or part-time undergraduate students with financial need who are the first in their family to attend post-secondary education (i.e., parent...

One or more bursaries, valued up to $2,000, are awarded annually to students with disabilities who are experiencing financial difficulties and are studying on a full- or part-time basis in a...

Bursaries, of varying amounts, are available to undergraduate and graduate students who are experiencing financial difficulty as a result of the responsibilities associated with being a sole-...

Bursaries, of varying amounts, are available for eligible students to assist with their educational costs. To be considered, students must be receiving OSAP in the current academic year, have self...

Several awards are provided annually to support academically qualified students experiencing financial difficulties. Eligible students must have resided in Ontario for 12 months prior to the...

Numerous awards are granted annually to full-time undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in Year Two of their program of study who are in good academic standing and have demonstrated...