Wat2Do: March 22-26, 2021

Monday, March 22, 2021

Wat 2 Do

  • Virtual Study Hall
    • This week's focus is: tips for when you need to cram! Join the study session in Microsoft Teams
    • Wednesday from 5:30-7:00pm.
  • International Travel Pre-Departure Drop In
    • If you are planning on travelling to Canada and Quarantining soon, attend the pre-departure drop-in sessions to get your travel questions answered.
    • Available Tuesday's at 9 p.m. & Thursday's at 9 a.m.
  • International Student Online Discussion: Maintaining Self-Care
    • Join the International Student Online Discussion to learn tips & how to practice self-care.
    • Registered participants will have the chance to win UWaterloo merch from the W-Store.
    • Sign up and attend March 25 at 7 p.m.
  • Libraray Space survey
    • The Library is seeking your input as we refresh and enhance library services and spaces. They would like to hear from you! What kind of library would you like to see on your university campus?
    • Completion time: 2 min
    • Deadline: March 31
  • Virtual Interviews: Practice
    • Come prepared to practice and learn how to successfully prove your interview skills.
    • register on WaterlooWorks
    • Join March 25 at 10 a.m.
  • Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Assault
    • Join this interactive 2 day workshop to develop tools, strategies and resources to respond effectively to disclosures of sexual violence.
    • Register and attend March 22&25 from 2:30-4:30 p.m.
  • Carried Away on the Crest of a Wave" - UWaterloo Theatre Performance 
    • UWaterloo Thwatre and Performance Program Presents: scenes from 'carried away on the crest of a wave'
      • Written by David Yee
      • Directed by Andy Houston
      • Associate Director: Mira J. Henderson
    • Buy your tickets now and attend virtually to watch what an amazing job these hard working students have put together for you all.
      • General Ticket: $10
      • Student Ticket: $5
    • This Production has 3 different show times
      • March 25 @11:30 a.m.
      • March 26 @7:30 p.m.
      • March 27 @7:30 p.m.
  • Rewiring for Happiness Wellness Toolkit
    • Check out what Campus Wellness has put together. A do-at-your-own pace program filled with strategies and tools to help focus on the positive aspects and much more.
    • This is a self-registration course to access the toolkit so check it out!
  1. 2024 (18)
    1. September (1)
    2. August (1)
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    5. May (1)
    6. April (2)
    7. March (4)
    8. February (2)
    9. January (3)
  2. 2023 (21)
    1. December (2)
    2. October (3)
    3. September (2)
    4. August (1)
    5. July (1)
    6. June (3)
    7. May (3)
    8. April (1)
    9. March (3)
    10. February (1)
    11. January (1)
  3. 2022 (9)
    1. November (1)
    2. September (1)
    3. August (1)
    4. May (1)
    5. April (1)
    6. March (2)
    7. February (1)
    8. January (1)
  4. 2021 (37)
  5. 2020 (2)