WaterTalks | Importance and Effects of Physical Processes in Lake Ecosystems

Friday, July 19, 2019 10:30 am - 10:30 am EDT (GMT -04:00)

Dr. Hilmar Hofmann, Environmental Physics Group, Limnological Institute, University of Konstanz, Germany

Lake ecosystems are highly affected by physical processes that act on different spatial and temporal scales. Intensive empirical field investigations combined with numerical modelling facilitate a generalization of these results in space and time. In addition, only multidisciplinary approaches in the field of environmental physics that link with related disciplines, e.g., sedimentology, freshwater ecology, geochemistry, microbial ecology, ecotoxicology, and climatology allow to understand the complex linkages and pathways in lake ecosystems. The talk will present a broad spectrum of case studies that give insights into this field of research focusing on shallow water processes, plankton dynamics, and sources, pathways and budgets of methane in lakes. 

Sponsored by the Water Institute and Applied Mathematics