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Eihab Abdel-Rahman
Systems Design Engineering, Professor, Associate Chair

Marc Aucoin
Chemical Engineering, Professor, Associate Chair, Operations

[YouTube Lecture] September 30, 2014 "Tools and strategies for complex biologics production in animal cells: applications to insect and mammalian cell culture"
[YouTube] January 26, 2011 "Research Profile: Marc Aucoin"
Hassan Baaj
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Professor, Associate Chair for Research

Hector Budman
Chemical Engineering, Professor

Perry Chou
Chemical Engineering, Professor

[Waterloo Stories] May 3, 2013 "Can bacteria help create a cheaper fuel for our cars?"
[UW Eng-e-news] August 14, 2013 "Engineering Life-enhancing research"
Eric Croiset
Chemical Engineering, Professor

John Honek
Chemistry, Professor

[Daily Bulletin] June 1, 2018, 11 CBB Members Named Outstanding Performance Award Winners
Vassili Karanassios

Research Interests:
- Micro and nano-analytical chemistry
- Micro and nano samples
- Micro-miniaturization (lab-on-a-chip)
[YouTube] June 7, 2013 "Energy scavenging to power remote sensors"
Peter Levine
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests:
Integrated microsystems for clinical and environmental monitoring
Combining complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuits with novel materials, structures, or devices to enable non-traditional life science and bio-diagnostic applications
CMOS-integrated biochemical assays
Semiconductor integrated circuits and sensors, design and test of 3D integrated circuits
Micro/nano fabrication, lab-on-a-chip devices
Electrochemical biosensors
DNA sequencing
Image sensors
Yilan Liu

Research Interests:
- Synthetic biology for sustainable development
- Functional probiotics for affordable and preventive health solutions
- Biomanufacturing
- Genetic tools exploring
- Bio-nanoparticles
- Bio-upcycling of mixed waste for sustainable development
- Dynamic regulation of bioprocess
- Biodegradation and Bioremediation
Chandra Madhuranthakam
Chemical Engineering, Adjunct Adjunct Associate Professor

Elizabeth Meiering

Research Interests:
- Proteins: folding, misfolding and aggregation, structure, dynamics, and function
- Protein engineering and design
- Protein thermodynamics and kinetics
- Biophysical chemistry and biochemistry
- Bionanotechnology and biomaterials
- Biochemistry and Biophysics
- Smart Materials
- Biomaterials, Polymers and Bioplastics
- Theranostic Materials
- Smart and Functional Materials
- Molecular Therapeutics and Theranostics
- Nanomaterials
- Bionanotechnology and Biosensors
- Soft Matter
- Drug Discovery, Design and Delivery
- Bioinformatics, Systematics and Evolution
[Waterloo News] November 24, 2015 "New insights into protein structure could change the future of biomedicine"
[Chemistry News] August 20, 2014 "Chemist Elizabeth Meiering takes on the ALS ice bucket challenge"
Tizazu Mekonnen
Chemical Engineering

Research Interests:
- Bioplastics
- Polymer blends and composites
- Polymer modifications and processing
- Rubber processing and modifications
- Biodegradable and compostable polymers
- Nanostructured polymers
- Polymer structure-property and applications development
- Dispersion Rheology & dynamics of colloidal nanomaterials
Christine Moresoli
Chemical Engineering

Research Interests:
Membrane filtration process (microfiltration; ultrafiltration; nanofiltration; reverse osmosis)
Food proteins, processes, sustainability (concentration; separation; fractionation, water and waste minimization)
Protein recovery and purification
Enzyme reaction engineering
Health food product development and processing
Thermal food processes (baking; drying; ultra-high temperature; pasteurization; sterilization)
Diffusion transport in biomaterials and polymeric films
Carolyn Ren
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research Interests:
Protein and DNA separation analysis towards disease diagnosis and drug discovery
Biosensing and Devices (bacterial, proteins, fluorescence)
Living cell analysis and water toxicity testing
Lab-on-a-Chip technology (point-of-care biomedical diagnosis , chemical detection, protein separation and identification, environmental testing)
Micro-scale fluid mechanics, droplet microfluidics and nanofluidics
- High Throughput Screening For Drug Screening
- Manufacturing Nanomaterials and Carbon Management
Canada Research Chair in Lab-on-a-Chip Technology [Canada Research Chair Profile]
[Waterloo Stories] June 14, 2012 "Creating the tiny future of science"
Parsin Haji Reza
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests
- Early Cancer Detection
- Eliminating Positive Surgical Margins
- Non-contact Biopsies for Endoscopy
- Functional Brain Imaging
- Early Detection and Understanding the Age-related Vision Loss Problems
- Wound Care
- Cardiovascular
- Machine learning/AI
Matthew Scott
Applied Mathematics

Research Interests:
- Experimental biological physics
- Stochastic processes in physics and biology
- Pysiological constraints on bioproduct synthesis
Lab Equipment: Imagestream MkII with 488nm, 642nm and 785nm lasers; 60x magnification
[YouTube Lectures] Winter School on Quantitative Systems Biology 2015
David Simakov
Chemical Engineering

Research Interests:
- Microalgae
- Microfluidics
- Biophotoreactors
- Biomass conversion
- Heterogeneous catalysis
[Engineering News] March 9, 2018 "Finds manure can yield energy and ease global warming"
Michael Tam
Chemical Engineering

Research Interests:
Enhanced drug delivery systems, gene therapy
Associative polymers for environmentally friendly coatings
Sustainable nanomaterials (cellulose nanocrystals)
Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP) and stimuli responsive polymeric systems
Polymer-surfactant interactions
Magnetic nanoparticles for novel separation processes
University Research Chair
Valerie Ward
Chemical Engineering

Research interests:
- Environmental biology, industrial biotechnology, and therapeutics
- Production of sustainable chemicals
- Novel bioprocesses for applications in bioresource engineering and biorefining
- Microalgae, metabolic engineering, and ionic liquid based separations in biological systems
Boxin Zhao
Chemical Engineering

Research Interests:
- Surface science and bionanomaterials
- Adhesives and coatings
- Biomimetic micro and nano fabrication
- Nanotechnology
- Biomechanics
- Biolubrication
- Polymer Science
- Hydrogels
- Interfacial Phenomena
- Colloids & Porous Media
- Micro- and nano-tribology
- Bionanomaterials
- Soft Interfaces
- Biomimetic Adhesion
- Bio-integrated Devices
- Nanoparticles synthesis
- Interfacial materials engineering
- Biomimicry
- Biomimetic materials and devices
- Multifunctional polymers and nanocomposites
- Biopolymer and healthcare materials
- Advanced coating and adhesive bonding technology
- Additive Manufacturing
- Nanotechnology
- Nanotechnology, Soft Materials and Interface
- Polymers and soft robotics
[Waterloo Stories] December 16, 2016 "New Gecko Gripper can be used in manufacturing and medicine"
[YouTube Video] June 11, 2015 "Zebra Mussel-inspired Electrically Conductive Polymer Nanofiber"
[Waterloo Stories] September 16, 2013 "Waterloo researcher is developing nano-glue for electronics"
Office of Research - Technology Transfer & Commercialization: