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Eihab Abdel-Rahman
Systems Design Engineering, Professor, Associate Chair

Stacey Acker
Kinesiology, Associate Professor

Adil Al-Mayah
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Associate Professor, Associate Chair

Arash Arami
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Assistant Professor

Michael Barnett-Cowan
Kinesiology, Associate Professor, Associate Chair of Graduate Studies

[Waterloo News] September 25, 2018 "Virtual reality motion sickness may be predicted and counteracted"
[ScienceDaily] December 15, 2018 "Aging warps our perception of time, study finds"
[Record] October 12, 2017 "Aging slows perception of falls: UW study"
Jack Callaghan
Kinesiology, Professor

Jordan Cannon
Kinesiology and Health Sciences, Assistant Professor

Naveen Chandrashekar
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Associate Professor

David Clausi
Systems Design Engineering, Professor, Associate Dean, Research & External Partnerships

[Daily Bulletin] June 1, 2018, 11 CBB Members Named Outstanding Performance Award Winners
[The Record] May 8,2018, have ties with a new Montreal sports analytics research lab in Kitchener
Duane Cronin
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Professor, Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Trauma Biomechanics and Injury Prevention (tBIP), Director, Impact Mechanics and Material Characterization Laboratory

[Waterloo Stories] October 5, 2012 "New virtual crash test dummies will have plenty to say"
Clark Dickerson
Kinesiology, Professor

CBB Executive Director
Canada Research Chair in Shoulder Mechanics [Canada Research Chair Profile]
[Waterloo News] February 19, 2019 "How to make the push-up work for you"
[Waterloo Stories] October 7, 2013 "Reducing shoulder injuries in the workplace"
Baris Fidan
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Professor

Steven Fischer
Kinesiology, Associate Professor; Associate Chair of Applied Research, Partnerships and Outreach

Behrad Khamesee
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering

Research Interests:
- Smart structures, actuators, biomechanics, assistive devices, human-robot interaction, wearable sensors (fitness, monitoring, fall prevention, Alzheimer's)
- Ophthalmic instrumentation, senors, technologies and hardware design (MRI, CT, ultrasound)
- Micro-energy harvester through human locomotion
- Magnetically driven medical microrobots for drug delivery and microsurgery
- Regenerative prosthetic knee, and cost-effective prosthetic leg (structural design, sensory system, and controller)
- Micromanipulation using magnetic levitation
- Auto-focusing mechanism for microscopy using electrorestrictive
- Clean room applications
[Waterloo Stories] August 28, 2018 "New sensor could help doctors monitor patient progress from a distance"
[Waterloo Stories] March 2, 2014 "Charge your phone while you shovel - and shiver"
Nikolas Knowles

Research interests:
- Upper-extremity biomechanics
- Orthopaedic biomechanics
- Osteoarthritis
- Computational modeling
- Imaging
Jonathan Kofman
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- Biomedical systems & biomechatronics - rehabilitation, assistive devices, intelligent design of prostheses and orthoses, 3D body surface measurement
- Optomechatronics - computer vision (2D and 3D), range-image registration, range-sensing, range-sensor design, vision-based 3D surface measurement systems, optical system design, laser-camera range, sensor design, phase-shifting / fringe-projection 3D surface measurement systems, real-time full-field 3D imaging sensors / real-time full-field 3D surface measurement systems, hand-held 3D imaging sensors / hand-held 3D surface measurement systems, vision-based robot control, vision-based human-robot interfaces
- Robotics - robot teleoperation, robot vision, human-robot interfaces, human-robot interaction, human-guided robot learning, vision-based robot control (visual servoing), human-assistive/service robots
Office of Research - Technology Transfer & Commercialization:
Jonathan Kusins
Systems Design Engineering, Assistant Professor

Elise Laende
Systems Design Engineering, Assistant Professor

Andrew Laing

Research Interests:
- Musculoskeletal biomechanics related to human health and injury prevention, and the role that advanced age has on these relationships.
- Fall-related tissue trauma including hip fractures, spinal cord injuries, and traumatic brain injuries
- Workplace musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD)
- Orthopedic biomechanics
[YouTube] Andrew Laing, Department of Kinesiology, UW
Nima Maftoon
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- Medical device and diagnostic development for hearing and hearing loss
- Audiology and Otolaryngology
- Acoustic, Vibration, physiological and cadaveric measurements, animal models
- Aging, Biomechanics
Veronika Magdanz
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- sperm cells
- magnetic actuation
- remote control
- wireless
- soft robots
- medical robots
- bioprinting
- 3D printing
We develop microrobots for medical applications. The goal is to develop more targeted, active, but less invasive strategies for drug or cell delivery with the help of wireless, autonomously moving microrobots. One strategy is to combine biological elements with artificial components in a biohybrid approach. The biological component (cells, molecules) can serve as power source, loading unit or structural unit.
One example is the "spermbot" - a sperm cell remotely controlled with magnetic fields:
Another example is IRONSperm: a magnetically functionalized nonmotile sperm driven by magnetic fields:
Inspired by the motion of sperm, we also develop small scale flexible magnetic robots for noninvasive surgery (coming soon). I am also interested in reproductive biology and research that elucidates reasons for infertility. We look into the mechanisms of sperm migration and some interesting phenomena, such as sperm bundling (publication online soon)
[Google Scholar]
Monica R Maly

Research Interests
- Knee biomechanics
- Osteoarthritis
- Clinical outcomes
- Mobility
- Exercise
- Muscle
- Imaging and disability
Kaylena Ehgoetz Martens

Research interests:
- Aging and neurodegeneration
- Movement disorders
- Gait kinematics
- Neuropsychology and neurocognitive assessment
- Mood, emotion and cognition
- Fear, threat, anxiety and depression
- Virtual reality
Bill McIlroy

Research Interests:
- Neuroscience and neurological disorders
- Balance, gait, exercise
- Aging
- Understanding how the brain and other parts of the central nervous system control movements of the body
- Using advanced measurements systems to improve recovery time after a neurological injury (such as a stroke) and minimize age-related effects on movement control (such as reducing the risk of falling).
- Electroencephalography and electromyography
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation, magnetic resonance imaging, peripheral nerve stimulation
- Galvanic skin measurement
- Eye-tracker, motion analysis, and kinetic measurement
[Waterloo News] August 19, 2015 "Wearable technologies will improve stroke rehabilitation"
[Waterloo Stories] February 4, 2014 "Finding your way after a stroke"
Stewart McLachlin
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research interests:
- Biomechanics
- Orthopaedic surgery
- Implant design
- Bio-mechanical testing
- Computational modeling
- Computer-assisted surgery
John McPhee
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- Biomechatronics
- Multibody dynamic models and simulation
- Exoskeletons and rehabilitation robots
- Biomechanics
- Sports engineering
- Systems theory
- Model-based control
- Autonomous cars and vehicle dynamics
- Machine learning
- Computer vision
- Hybrid electric vehicles
Canada Research Chair in Biomechatronic System Dynamics [Canada Research Chair Profile]
NSERC/Toyota/Maplesoft Industrial Research Chair in Mathematics-Based Modelling and Design [NSERC Profile]
[Waterloo Stories] February 20, 2019 "Engineering innovation for wheelchair curlers"
[Waterloo Stories] August 5, 2016 "Rio Olympics 2016: Engineering speed for the Canadian track cycling team"
[Waterloo Stories] June 17, 2015 "Waterloo’s $10M dream facility for smarter, greener cars"
Office of Research - Technology Transfer & Commercialization:
Katja Mombaur
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- human-robot interaction
- wearable robots
- rehabilitation robots
- intelligent assistive devices
- humanoid robots
- human movement analysis
- optimal control
- model-based control
- multibody systems modeling
Paul Murphy
Optometry and Vision Science

Research interests:
- Development of a thermal imaging system for the ocular surface
- Development of a tear evaporation sensing and measurement system
- Development of an ocular surface sensory neuroscience testing system
Zhao Pan
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research interests:
- Fluid dynamics
- Bio-mechanics
- Micro-fluids
- Flow diagnostics
- Uncertainty quantification
- Velocimetry-based pressure measurement
- Cavitation
- Droplets and bubbles
- Jets
- Dynamics and controls
[Science Mag] June 6, 2016 "This desert moss can water itself with fog"
[Nature] June 08, 2016 "How desert moss drinks from air"
[PNAS] June 22, 2017 "Cavitation onset caused by acceleration"
Sean Peterson
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering

Research Interests:
Biological fluid dynamics, fluid/structure interaction, vortex dynamics, diagnostic methods
Energy harvesting
Cardiovascular and mechanical blood flow models
Human phonation, vocal fold modeling
Stent modeling and design
Biomimetic propulsors
[CBB researcher story] January 8, 2013 "The Ability to be Heard Above the Crowd"
Carolyn Ren
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research Interests:
Protein and DNA separation analysis towards disease diagnosis and drug discovery
Biosensing and Devices (bacterial, proteins, fluorescence)
Living cell analysis and water toxicity testing
Lab-on-a-Chip technology (point-of-care biomedical diagnosis , chemical detection, protein separation and identification, environmental testing)
Micro-scale fluid mechanics, droplet microfluidics and nanofluidics
- High Throughput Screening For Drug Screening
- Manufacturing Nanomaterials and Carbon Management
Canada Research Chair in Lab-on-a-Chip Technology [Canada Research Chair Profile]
[Waterloo Stories] June 14, 2012 "Creating the tiny future of science"
Tais Sigaeva
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- soft tissue
- nonlinear elasticity
- continuum mechanics
- mechanical testing
- uniaxial testing
- biaxial testing
- residual stress
- data analysis
- constitutive modelling
- cardiovascular mechanics
- fibrous micro-structure
- multiphoton microscopy
- heterogeneity
- anisotropy
- layers
- aneurysms
- skin
Sivabal Sivaloganathan
Applied Mathematics

Research Interests:
- Biomechanics
- Mathematical modeling of hydrocephalus
- Mathematical oncology
[Applied Mathematics Biomedical Research Group]
[Waterloo Stories] January 16, 2018 "Math can predict how cancer cells evolve"
Madjid Soltani
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Adjunct Assistant Professor

Ben Thompson
Optometry and Vision Science

Research Interests
- human visual cortex development and plasticity
- videogames for vision rehabilitation (amblyopia)
- vision loss treatments and rehabilitation
- diagnostics
- imaging
[YouTube] February 13, 2019 "Teaching an old brain new tricks" TEDxUW
Ehsan Toyserkani
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research Interests:
Tissue engineering and biodegradable implants for regenerative medicine (3D printing)
Bio-additive and microscale-additive manufacturing (opto-mechanical sensors, smart structures, developed through additive manufacturing)
Novel multi-scale additive manufacturing technologies for biomedical, oil/gas and manufacturing sectors
Laser-based fabrication techniques with particular focus on direct write processes in micro- and macro-scale
Modeling, sensing and real-time control of laser-based manufacturing techniques
University Research Chair
Canada Research Chair in Multi-Scale Additive Manufacturing [Canada Research Chair Profile]
[Office of Research News] May 8,2018 "Waterloo researchers named Canada Research Chairs"
[YouTube Lecture] May 6, 2014 "Additive manufacturing"
Office of Research - Technology Transfer & Commercialization:
James Tung
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research Interests:
Rehabilitation engineering and assistive technologies (gerontology, Osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, fall risk in stroke survivors, and rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury)
Neuromotor control
Biomedical signal analysis
[Waterloo Stories] July 8, 2014 "GPS technology may help detect Alzheimer’s disease earlier"
Thomas Willett
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
Biomaterials and mechanics of biomaterials and tissues
Bone quality and fragility, collagen
Engineering of bone mimetic materials for skeletal reconstruction (3D printing)
Yimin Wu
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research interests:
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Materials Interfaces
- Energy Materials
- Solar Fuels
- CO2 reduction
- Ammonia synthesis
- Batteries
- Plastic recycling and upcycling
- In situ Multimodal Characterizations
- Artificial Intelligence
- Connectivity and Internet of Things
- Electronic and Photonic Materials
- Responsive Materials
- Neuromorphic Computing
- Flexible Electronics and Soft Robotics
- Sensing
- Healthcare
- Nanotechnology
Evelyn Yim
Chemical Engineering

Research Interests:
Stem cells, nanofabrication and advancement of biomaterials in healthcare technologies to repair, replace or regenerate damaged tissue and organ structures
Fabrication and application of nano-structure for biomedical applications in neural, vascular, and cornea tissue engineering
Biomaterial approach to study ex-vivo pluripotent stem cell expansion
Modulation of cell behavior with nanotopography
Topography-regulation of stem cells lineage commitment and differentiation
Differentiation of adult and pluripotent stem cells with nanotopography
Norman Zhou
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research Interests:
Microjoining (wire bonding, laser & resistance microwelding, etc.) for medical and electronics applications
Nanojoining (laser joining, soldering, etc.) for sensing and biomedical applications
Brazing/soldering (diffusion brazing, ceramic/metal bonding, etc.) for aerospace, automotive and electronics applications
Welding (laser, resistance welding, etc.) for automotive applications
Canada Research Chair in Advanced Materials Joining and Processing[Canada Research Chair Profile]
[Office of Research News] May 8, 2018 Waterloo researchers named Canada Research Chairs