Waterloo-related acronyms: N-O


Acronym Full name
NARP Neurobehavioural Assessment and Rehabilitation Program
NASA  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (U.S.)
NCAR National Center for Atmospheric Research (U.S.)
NCE Networks of Centres of Excellence (federal)
NEMS nano-electromechanical systems
NERAM Network for Environmental Risk Assessment and Management
NIH National Institutes of Health (U.S.)
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
NNI Nortel Networks Institute for Advanced Information Technology
NRC National Research Council of Canada
NSERC Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
NSF National Science Foundation (U.S.)

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Acronym Full name
OAC Ontario Academic Credit
OCE Ontario Centres of Excellence
OCGS Ontario Council on Graduate Studies
OCUA Ontario Council on University Affairs
ODAA Office of Development and Alumni Affairs (now Advancement)
OEC Ontario Engineering Competition
OED Centre for the New Oxford English Dictionary and Text Research
OGL/EML Organic Geochemistry and Environmental Microbiology Lab
OGS Ontario Graduate Scholarships
OGSST Ontario Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology 
OHSA Occupational Health and Safety Act (Ontario)
OIT Ontario Innovation Trust (now ORF-RI)
OLRC Optometry Learning Resource Centre (now WLRC)
OPD Office for Persons with Disabilities
ORC Ontario Research Chairs
ORDCF Ontario Research and Development Challenge Fund (now ORF-RE)
ORE  Office of Research Ethics
ORF Ontario Research Fund
ORF-RE Ontario Research Fund — Research Excellence
ORF-RI Ontario Research Fund — Research Infrastructure
ORTC Ontario Rehabilitation Technology Consortium
OSAP Ontario Student Assistance Program
OSC Ontario Synchrotron Consortium
OSS Ontario Secondary School
OTSS Ontario Trust for Student Support
OUAC Ontario Universities’ Application Centre
OUF Ontario Universities’ Fair

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