Our researchers are building cross-sector and societal partnerships for viable policies and strategies to help with land use planning, food security, Ocean governance and more.
Get to know their expertise.

Advancing three Sustainable Development Goals

Our researchers
James Nugent
School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
- Urban political ecology
- Social movements
- Labour geography & unions
- Economic restructuring
- Community benefits agreements
- Participatory, community-based research
- Community-engaged learning
Kelsey Leonard
School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Indigenous water rights
- Climate change
- Interjurisdictional water governance
- Ocean planning
Jeremy Pittman
Environmental policy and governance in the Anthropocene
- Landscape- and seascape-scale approaches to planning
- Human communities in an interconnected world
- Social-ecological connectivity
- Can also supervise graduate students in the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development and the School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Michael Wood
School of Environment, Enterprise and Development
Business sustainability
- Water
- Scale
- Global security
- Social license to operate
- Pedagogy of sustainability management
Amelia Clarke
School of Environment, Enterprise and Development
Corporate social and environmental responsibility
- Campus environmental management
- Cross-sector partnerships
- Collaborative strategic management
- Strategy implementation for low-carbon and sustainable cities
- Implementing the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Youth and innovation
Andrea Collins
School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
- Global land and agricultural governance
- Gender, development, and global political economy
- Gender and environmental politics
- Transnational agricultural investment
- Public-private partnerships in agriculture and nutrition
Jennifer Clapp
School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
- Global Food Politics Group
- Waterloo Food Issues Group
- Global political economy of food
- Food security and sustainability – policy and governance
- International trade in food and agriculture
- Corporate concentration in the global food system
- The intersection of food and financial markets
Neil Craik
School of Environment, Enterprise and Development
Public and regulatory law, international environmental law, domestic and comparative environmental law, natural resources law and municipal and planning law
- Bi-lateral and tri-lateral environmental governance structures in North America
- Impact of federalism on transnational regulatory activities and the regulatory role of private transboundary environmental litigation
Bob Gibson
School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
Applied sustainability
- Environmental and sustainability assessment law and policy
- Climate change mitigation in assessments
- Indigenous communities and authorities in extractive industry planning and assessment
- Can also supervise graduate students in the School of Planning

Graham Epstein
School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability
- Environmental governance
- Collective action
- Landscape ecology of institutions
- Human dimensions of conservation

Rosella Caré
School of Environment, Enterprise and Development
- Climate-related financial risks
- Sustainable investing
- Impact investing
- Corporate social and environmental responsibility in the financial sector
- Cross-sector partnerships and Impact bonds
- Can also supervise graduate students in the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development

Katherine Perrott
- Political economy of the built environment
- Planning policy and development processes
- Urban and suburban design
Tingting Wu
School of Environment, Enterprise and Development
- Environmental economics
- Sustainable finance
- Corporate social responsibility and environmental social governance
Jessie Ma
School of Environment, Enterprise and Development
- Power systems economics
- Electricity markets
- Demand response
- Distributed energy resources
- Renewable energy
- Energy storage
- Can also supervise graduate students in the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development
Zachary Folger-Laronde
School of Environment, Enterprise and Development
- Sustainability accounting and disclosure
- Accounting for sustainability
- Sustainable finance
- Sustainable banking
Dan Murray
School of Environment, Enterprise and Development
- Environmental planning in rural and agricultural settings
- Policy development and evaluation
- Research design, methods, and research project management
- Sport and Sustainability