Stacey Acker
Specialization: Biomechanics
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Lower limb biomechanics, occupational biomechanics, knee joint modeling, Knee osteoarthritis initiation and progression.
Specialization: Biomechanics
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Lower limb biomechanics, occupational biomechanics, knee joint modeling, Knee osteoarthritis initiation and progression.
Specialization: Physiology and nutrition
Teaching, expertise, tools, and technologies: cardiovascular exercise physiology, blood flow, arterial stiffness, arterial bifurcations, high frame rate ultrasound, echocardiography
Specialization: Neuroscience
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: psychophysics, sensory assessment, virtual reality, motion simulation, eye and head movement, brain imaging and stimulation (EEG/ERP, TMS,tDCS), aging
Tyson studies the biomechanics of movement coordination, control, and musculoskeletal injury. His applied research focuses on movement screening, assessment, and training for health and performance.
Specialization: Biomechanics
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Content - biomechanics, ergonomics, injury mechanics, exercise, instrumentation, biomechanical modeling.
Tools / techniques - electromyography, medical imaging, mechanical tissue testing, motion analysis, kinetic measurement, wearable sensor technology, occupational ergonomic evaluation.
Specialization: Biomechanics
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Biomechanics, neuromuscular control, musculoskeletal modelling and simulation, finite element analysis, imaging
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Shoulder and wrist biomechanics, occupational biomechanics and ergonomics, instrumentation, electromyography, human motion capture
Specialization: Physiology and nutrition
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: skeletal muscle metabolism, sex-based differences in metabolism, exercise physiology, human nutrition and metabolism, aging and sarcopenia, insulin sensitivity, electron microscopy.
Specialization: Biomechanics
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Shoulder biomechanics, digital human modeling, ergonomics, motion capture, upper limb biomechanics, computational musculoskeletal modeling, in vitro analysis.
Specialization: Physiology and nutrition
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: molecular cloning, lipid biochemistry, comparative biology and murine models, genetics and genomics, recombinant protein production, enzymology.
Specialization: Neuroscience
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Aging and neurodegeneration movement disorders; gait kinematics; neuropsychology and neurocognitive assessment; mood, emotion and cognition; fear, threat, anxiety and depression; virtual reality
Specialization: Biomechanics
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: task analysis, occupational biomechanics, ergonomic aspects of occupational musculoskeletal injuries.
Specialization: Physiology and nutrition
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: clinical exercise physiology, clinical trials and knowledge translation, physical activity and aging, osteoporosis and bone health
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Exercise and health psychology; health behaviour change; behavioural science; mental fatigue; motivation, ecological momentary assessment (EMA)
Specialization: Biomechanics
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Upper-extremity biomechanics, orthopaedic biomechanics, osteoarthritis, computational modeling, imaging
Specialization: Physiology and nutrition
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: nutrition, knowledge translations, intervention design and implementation, qualitative and quantitative methods.
Specialization: Biomechanics
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: musculoskeletal biomechanics related to injury, impact biomechanics, balance, falls, and mobility, occupational biomechanics, ergonomics.
Specialization: Biomechanics
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: knee biomechanics, osteoarthritis, clinical outcomes, mobility, exercise, muscle, imaging and disability.
Specialization: Neuroscience
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Content expertise - neuroscience, balance and gait, exercise, neurologic disorders, aging.
Experimental tools / technologies - electroencephalography, electromyography, transcranial magnetic stimulation, magnetic resonance imaging, peripheral nerve stimulation, galvanic skin measurement, eye-tracker, motion analysis, kinetic measurement, wearable sensor technology.
Specialization: Neuroscience
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Motor control, motor learning, neurologic disorders
Specialization: Neuroscience
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Physical activity and aging, dementia, prevention of dementia, social inclusion of dementia, motor disorders, physical activity tracking and assessment, neurocognitive assessment, electroencephalography
Specialization: Physiology and nutrition
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Expertise - skeletal muscle health, body composition, muscle quality in metabolic conditions, nutrition, exercise, muscle metabolism, dietary protein. Tools and technologies - movement assessment and exercise prescription, integrative energy metabolism in health and disease,ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), bioelectrical impedance analysis(BIA), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Specialization: Neuroscience
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Teaching - visuomotor control: eye movements, hand-eye coordination, binocular vision: depth perception, stereopsis, visual and motor development, motor learning.
Tools and technologies - eye tracking, limb tracking, psychophysics.
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Health and exercise psychology, cognition and mental health, sociology of health, and science communication.
Specialization: Physiology and nutrition
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: skeletal muscle biology, skeletal muscle disease, exercise physiology, cell and molecular biology, microscopy, cell culture, animal models, cellular imaging.
Specialization: Physiology and nutrition
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: cardiovascular physiology, blood vessel health, endothelium, vascular smooth muscle, isolated blood vessels, endothelium-derived contracting and relaxing factors, resveratrol, prostanoids, vascular effects of exercise.
Specialization: Neuroscience
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: neuroscience, attention, neurologic disorders.
Specialization: Physiology and nutrition
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Content expertise - nutrition, dietary intake assessmets, fatty acid and lipid metabolism, analyticial biochemistry.
Research models - human intervention, rodent models, cell culture.
Specialization: Physiology and nutrition
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: muscle physiology, obesity, diabetes and metabolism.
Specialization: Physiology
Colonel Jim Kile, graduate of the MSc Kinesiology program and now Command Surgeon for the Canadian Armed Forces. His unexpected career path began at the University of Waterloo where exposure to his supervisor’s network started his journey in the military and through medical school.
Anatomy, biomechanics, and a deep understanding of the body’s physical capabilities has come in handy for Shea who’s been living and working as a stunt performer in Vancouver for nearly 25 years.
Since he was a young athlete, Nick Frank dreamed of working at Nike alongside world-renowned scientists designing sportswear to improve athletic performance. Combining persistence with solid field experience helped Nick to land a position as a Researcher at Nike, where he designs exceptional footwear for basketball players around the world.
Michael Cao graduated with his MSc in Kinesiology in 2018. Now, he is a Design Researcher for Idea Couture, a strategic innovation and design firm. In his work, Michael is responsible for analyzing human behaviour and making recommendations for product innovation and design.
Brendan Pinto’s pathway to doctoral studies started with a grueling athletic injury, and is exemplary of what can happen when personal experience meets passion and perseverance. His PhD research investigates the neurological response to biomechanical forces to inform movement interventions prescribed for injury, pain and performance. Brendan is also a recipient of a prestigious NSERC doctoral scholarship.
A desire to transform the health-care system to be more culturally safe for Indigenous peoples has been the focus of Cornelia (Nel) Wieman's (MSc Kin '91) career as Canada's first female Indigenous psychiatrist.
Ellen Wang was inspired as an undergraduate at Waterloo's Kinesiology program to continue her studies into the research-based master's program. Working with Professor Lora Giangregorio as her supervisor, Ellen's research focuses on resistance training and disease management.
Rasha El-Kotob's PhD research examines considerations for designing and managing resistance training interventions. She also balances working toward her doctoral degree with being a new parent.
At the beginning of his practicum, Keith Rajkumar (MSc Kinesiology - coursework) had mapped out a plan to complete his project during his four-month work-integrated experience. With the best laid plans, the outcome wasn't what he thought it would be, but it was so much more.
A class in undergrad helped Laura Healey make the connection between her personal interest in sports, the field of biomechanics and a possible career in footwear research. Today, Laura is Manager of Footwear Innovation at PUMA in Boston, Massachusetts.
As the pandemic and lockdowns continued throughout 2020 and into 2021, Angela Gnjatic found herself feeling increasingly anxious about being in social situations. The practicum experience helped turn around that anxiety.
For people who are undergoing cancer treatment or are recent cancer survivors, just getting out of bed can be a challenge, never mind taking part in an exercise class. But as someone with a lifelong passion for exercise, Kylie Sullivan has learned a lot about the resilience, strength and endurance of cancer patients and survivors.
Devon Frayne is a researcher with the Occupational Biomechanics and Ergonomics Lab.
Beth Godkin is a dedicated PhD student in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences, with a passion for research, teaching, and community engagement. Beth has carved out a unique path in the field of Kinesiology, blending academic excellence with a commitment to improving lives through health research.