Downtown Kitchener Fire Insurance Plan of 1908 (revised and reprinted 1947)

As part of a much larger project to digitize building footprints from the Region of Waterloo Fire Insurance Plans, Geospatial Centre staff digitized the building parcels from the 1908 Kitchener Fire Insurance Plans (based on the zonal subdivision (1-54).

Statistics Canada 2016 census data

Now available from the Geospatial Centre, 2016 census data. Census profiles include:

Scholars Geoportal: new datasets

The following datasets have been recently loaded into the Scholars GeoPortal:

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR): Digital Elevation Model (DEM)

Received from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR), 2 metre digital elevation models (DEMS) that cover Southern Ontario and parts of the northeast and northwest of Ontario.

ArcGISHub data

Obtained from ArcGISHub, new data files for Cambridge, Kitchener, Kitchener/ Waterloo, Mississauga, Toronto, Toronto crime, Waterloo and World data

North West Ontario Orthophotography Project (NWOOP) 2017

Received from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, NWOOP covers approximately 22,700 kilometres square in northwest Ontario and was taken during leaf off conditions between May 7 and May 19, 2017. The 4 band Red Green Blue Near infrared (RGB-NIR) imagery has a pixel resolution of 20 cm and is available in 1 km tiles.

City of Vancouver orthoimagery 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015

This full colour orthoimagery covers the entire City of Vancouver. The data was downloaded from the City of Vancouver's website: . These full colour images were captured in late April. Ground resolution for 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2011 is 10 cm. 2013 and 2015 imagery has 7.5 cm resolution.

City of Kitchener: 2017 orthoimagery

Received from the City of Kitchener, 2017 orthoimagery. The full colour (three bands) mosaic is in MrSID format, 12 cm resolution. Projection is NAD_1983_UTM_17N.

City of Kitchener: 2017 data update

Received from the City of Kitchener, 2017 data updates including bridge, edge of pavement, impervious area, planning intensification area, property unit location, road island, double line street, and zoning.

City of Waterloo 2017 data update

Received from the City of Waterloo 2017 data updates, including new data files for district plans, surficial geology, soils and major active transit interest routes.
