World Wetlands Day 2021
9th Annual World Wetlands Day Research Symposium at the University of Waterloo
9th Annual World Wetlands Day Research Symposium at the University of Waterloo
Professor German Sciaini from the Department of Chemistry will introduce you to the new development in his research lab where capabilities of Transmission Electron Microscopy in liquid are pushed to its extreme. You can now take images and even record videos of moving nanoparticles with unprecedented resolution. Learn how WatCo is helping Professor Sciaini's group commercialize his technology, and how various types of Intellectual Property come to play.
In 2015, after documenting testimonies from Indigenous survivors of the residential school system in Canada, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission released 94 Calls to Action to enable reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians.
University of Waterloo
We've partnered with Women in Engineering to get University of Waterloo community members access to a free screening of Picture A Scientist - a documentary raising visibility around gender bias and racism in science.
Following the film screening period, the Undergraduate Science Society will be hosting a discussion open to all students, faculty, and staff members who would like to share their thoughts.
Faculty members, Research staff, Safety Office staff, Research Ethics staff, and Information Systems & Technology staff involved in research using biological, chemical, radiological, or nuclear materials or technology are invited to join Public Safety Canada (PSC) for the Safeguarding science workshop.
Join alum Corey Rae McRae, PhD ’18, as she shares her career journey and talks about current research.
Corey Rae McRae is the director of the Boulder Cryogenic Quantum Testbed, as well as a research associate at the University of Colorado Boulder and NIST Boulder. Her research focuses on materials and metrology for superconducting quantum computing. McRae grew up in London, ON, and received her PhD from IQC in 2018 from Matteo Mariantoni's group. She credits her research success to cold calling and not being afraid to get in over her head.
Thinking of applying to graduate school in Science this year or next? Attend our second information session for tips and tricks on how to ace your grad applications. Prof. Martin Ross, the Faculty of Science Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, will give the talk. After his presentation you will have the opportunity to ask him questions and then breakoff into rooms with our department, school, and institute admission coordinators and faculty members to ask more specific questions.
Virtually connect with supports in the Faculty of Science for preparing your scholarship application to NSERC or CIHR. This presentation provides a brief overview of application’s written requirements, with tips on content development from:
Following the presentation, detailed templates will be available from the Grad Chairs or Kim Arnold.