Faculty of Science researchers awarded over $4.5M in NSERC Alliance grants
From Biology to Quantum Computing, Science researchers are working to solve the problems of today for tomorrow.
Six Faculty of Science researchers were awarded a combined total of over $4.5M in Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Alliance Grants for their cutting-edge research collaborations with partner organizations from the private, public or not-for-profit sectors. By partnering with industry leaders, these projects will accelerate research results that will benefit Canadians.
Jonathan Baugh
Grant: $1,481,200
Project: Next-generation photonic source to enable quantum remote sensing and communications.
Partners: Defence R&D Canada, General Dynamics Land Systems - Canada, National Research Council Canada
Area of application: Information, computer and communication technologies; Communications technologies (satellites, radar, etc.)
Adrian Lupascu
Grant: $1,137,724
Project: Development of a scalable superconducting quantum computing platform based on fluxonium qubits
Partners: D-Wave Systems Inc
Area of application: Advancement of knowledge; Information systems and technology
Jan Kycia
Grant: $1,113,491
Project: Low-temperature material characterization of superconducting devices for Quantum computing
Partners: D-Wave Systems Inc
Area of application: Information, computer and communication technologies; Information systems and technology
Rebecca Rooney
Grant: $772,235
Project: Restoring Urban Meadow: The Meadoway
Partner: Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
Area of application: Conservation and preservation; Environment
Roland Hall
Grant: $59,288
Project: 'Pre-release' baselines for compounds of concern in lakes of the Peace-Athabasca Delta before treated oil sands process water is discharged to the Athabasca River
Partners: Pathways Alliance
Area of application: Environmental impact of economic activities (including agriculture); Inland waters
Juewen Liu
Grant: $48,000
Project: Aptamer-based biosensors for monitoring carbamazepine, a drug with a narrow therapeutic window
Partner: NERv Technology Inc.
Area of application: Human health (including medically-related psychological research)