The team includes members from organizations across Canada and several University of Waterloo departments. Left to right: Moses Tetui, Kelly Grindrod, and Nancy Waite from the School of Pharmacy.
Decisions about COVID-19 vaccinations often come down to trust.
Trust in peer networks, in the information available to a person and in the health-care system as a whole.
But in an age where misinformation is rampant and science constantly evolves, making informed decisions about vaccination is challenging. To address this, the Public Health Agency of Canada recently announced an additional $14 million investment into the Immunization Partnership Fund, towards supporting projects that dispel COVID-19 misinformation.
Connect, Collaborate and Tailor: Co-Designing Multimedia Tools for COVID-19 Vaccinations is one of these projects. Led by Moses Tetui, a post-doctoral fellow, and Professors Kelly Grindrod and Nancy Waite at the School of Pharmacy, the project is supported by a team that includes health professionals, public health experts, human factors experts, science communicators and community members.
Read more about the multidisciplinary team and their project.