Sandy Eix graduated from the University of Waterloo (BSc ’91) and has a Bachelor of Education. She moved west to Vancouver to do a Masters and a Ph.D. in non-linear fibre optics at Simon Fraser University.
Sandy fell in love with the west coast life and has lived there ever since, inventing exhibits, programs, shows, and other educational projects for Science World. Highlights for Sandy so far have been the development of a 5000 square foot physics gallery, creating a preschool science resource project, managing Body Worlds, and this fall, using her talents as an amateur musician in the creation of a music technology exhibition.
Sandy is the volunteer director of programs for the Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology, and runs a lunchtime science club at her daughter's school. In her not-so-spare time, she plays enthusiastic Cape Breton fiddle music, zooms around Vancouver on a bicycle, and is often up to her elbows in an art project with her 9 year old.