Dr. Jan Christilaw (BSc '77): Distinguished Alumni award

Jan Christilaw was appointed President of the BC Women's Hospital & Health Center in 2009 and is an undeniable powerhouse in the area of women's health. With over 25 years of experience, her accomplishments include being Past President of the Society of Obstetrics-Gynecologists, Expert advisor of the Canadian Institute for Health Information for maternity, Clinical professor at UBC, and founding Chair of the Aboriginal Maternity Committee of the BC Perinatal Health Program.
Jan has taken a special interest in international maternal mortality and has begun a partnership with Makerere Univeristy in Uganda for service in maternal and child health. Her efforts to raise awareness of fundamental human rights, her active support for preventative health care and her involvement in reaching out to the underprivileged are prime examples of Jan's passion and focus for helping others. Jan has a BSc (biology) from the University of Waterloo, a medical degree from McMaster University and performed her residency in Obstetrics/gynecology at the University of British Columbia.