Dr. Kelly J. Moynihan (BSc Chemistry ’79):

Dr. Moynihan, Upstream Senior Environmental, Regulatory and Socioeconomic Consultant for ExxonMobil, continued his studies after leaving the University of Waterloo to receive a PhD in synthetic and structural inorganic chemistry (University of Calgary ’83) followed by a post-doctoral year at Oxford University.
He joined Imperial Oil, in 1984 and over his 29 year career with Imperial, Exxon, and ExxonMobil, he has primarily worked in the environmental field. He has risen to become one of just two senior environmental technical executives within ExxonMobil, one of the largest companies in the world.
He has achieved this distinguished status as a result of a deep respect for the environment, a personal belief in corporate social responsibility, and a commitment to ensure the company’s best-in-class global environmental and socioeconomic standards are systematically applied, particularly in developing countries.
Dr. Moynihan holds three patents, he has authored/co-authored 19 peer-reviewed publications, and he has developed three environmental and socioeconomic courses that he teaches to individuals within and outside ExxonMobil around the world.