Program: Honours Medicinal Chemistry
Year: 3
Stream of study: Co-op
Pronouns: She/Her
Career goal: I've got two possible routes! Either going into academia and becoming a professor, or going into drug design/ development to make novel treatments for neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), and other pervasive global diseases.
How I get involved: I am one of the Medicinal Chemistry ambassadors, and besides that, I am hoping to join the biochemistry executive team in the winter! I also tutor on the side!
Why I love my program
MedChem is a great program for those who are more interested in the pharmaceutical aspects of chemistry. I get to graduate with a wealth of knowledge in organic chemistry, along with plenty of job experience that will help me stand out from others!
Why University of Waterloo?
I chose the University of Waterloo because of the Co-op programme, and the culture here. While still very academically rigorous, UW has a community unlike any other - a group of people who love learning, and supporting one another in the process.