Emily W - Honours Science

Science Ambassador
Emily fun

Program: Honours Science, Biology Minor

Year: 3

Stream of study: Regular

Pronouns: She/Her

Career goal: Pharmacy or teaching

How I get involved: I am currently a Residence Engagement Leader (REL) for Campus Housing, where I plan amazing events for students living on campus, such as Movie Night, Board Game Night and Neon Night. I am also a volunteer manager for the CnD Shop for SciSoc and this will also be my second year as a Science Ambassador.

Why I love my program

Honours Science is a very flexible program and I get to complete prerequisites for pharmacy school while taking courses that interest me and taking courses to complete my biology minor.

Why University of Waterloo?

At You @ Waterloo Day, the community welcomed me with open arms and presented me with so many different opportunities. Although Honours Science does not have co-op, I plan to apply to the pharmacy program here, which offers co-op. Also, the university offers the EDGE program, which can build professional skills such as resume building and interviewing while exploring different careers you may not have thought of. Additionally, the IDEAL Scholars program is a recently added opportunity in which you can receive a medallion during graduation for participating in activities outside the classroom, such as being a Science Ambassador, co-op/EDGE program and being a SciSoc executive.

Learn more about our other Science Ambassadors!