Stephany - Biomedical Sciences

Science Ambassador
Stephany fun

Program: Biomedical science with a minor in Medical Physiology

Year: 4

Stream of study: Regular

Pronouns: She/Her

Career goal: Medicine

How I get involved: Apart from being a Science Ambassador (x2) and a Team lead this year, I am also a residence life undergraduate Don and EDGE ambassador. I was also an O-week leader this year. With the multiple clubs offered at UW, I am a member of the UW Premed club, UW book club, UW BMLT, UW Supporting Sickkids, UW CAG, Women in Healthcare club and many more. I am also a part of the residence life dodgeball intramural team 

Why I love my program

I have always loved biology since I can remember, hence the career goal. My program not only allows me explore my interests in biology but it also prepares me with the prerequisites that medical school/professional schools needs. While taking the required courses I need, I also have the opportunity to diversify and take other courses I may be interested in, with the options many electives and also the chance of a minor too, along the way. The flexibility in scheduling, especially having summers off is definitely a bonus too

Why University of Waterloo?

One thing that really drew me to the university was the diversity and academic distinction present here. You would always feel welcomed, supported and part of a huge family, due to the huge sense of community, from the academic side all the way down to the non-academic. Also, the environment around Waterloo is very student oriented so there is always people of like minds and interests around me.

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