How to apply for the Dean of Science Emergency Equipment Repair Fund
Step 1: Determine the eligibility of your request
You are full-time tenured or tenure track professor
The equipment requiring repair is located in your lab vs. a department facility
- The equipment breakdown is unforeseen and within the expected lifespan of the equipment
- Immediate repair is required as it is critical to conducting your research
- This funding is meant to fund emergency repairs that cannot be funded through other means, i.e. through an NSERC-RTI or CFI-IOF. The explanation provided must demonstrate why this request fits with the purpose of the Dean of Science Emergency Infrastructure Repair Fund
Step 2: Apply for funding
The application template and budget must be completed in full and all questions answered for the application to be considered.
Obtain quotes for repair in accordance with Policy 17 regarding quotes and tenders
Scan and attach quotes to your application form and submit
Step 3: Application Review
Your application will be reviewed by the Science Research Advisory Committee, which meets once a month
When a the file has been reviewed and a decision has been made, the ADR will contact you with the results
Step 4: Your responsibilities after being awarded funding
Funds must be spent within 6 months
All purchases must align with university policies
Spending must be reported to the ADR within the 6 month timeframe
Within 6 months, a summary paragraph reporting the spend and the value of the contribution to your research must be sent to the ADR
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