UWSA Statement on Mandatory Vaccination at the University of Waterloo

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

A core element of the mandate of the University of Waterloo Staff Association (UWSA) is to protect the interests and welfare of our members.  

We have heard from several members in the past two weeks on the topic of a COVID-19 vaccination mandate for all UWaterloo employees, students, and visitors. Some have expressed concern that their individual human rights may be at risk should a vaccination mandate be implemented, and others have expressed concern that their health - and the health of their loved ones - may be at risk if a vaccination mandate is not implemented. We have paid close attention to these concerns, and the UWSA will continue to support and advocate for any individual members who encounter difficulties impacting their ability to participate in their work. 

On Tuesday, August 17, the Provincial Government indicated that post-secondary institutions would be included in the list of higher-risk settings that will be subject to a provincial vaccination policy. This isn’t surprising given public health recommendations to increase vaccination rates and slow the spread of COVID-19.  

Before that announcement was released, UWaterloo announced a mandatory self-declaration for anyone coming on to campus. UWSA has heard a variety of concerns about this approach. What seems clear is that any collection or verification of the vaccination or medical status of individuals must respect their right to privacy. UWaterloo must also provide accommodations to ensure the health and safety of those who cannot be vaccinated for reasons protected under human rights legislation. 

Until such time as a provincial vaccination policy for post-secondary institutions is released, which may not occur until well after our fall term has begun, an institutional vaccination policy would serve to protect our community and help slow the spread of COVID-19. As such, the UWSA supports the call for an institutional vaccination mandate as communicated in the recent Open Letter released by the Faculty Association of the University of Waterloo.

Whatever the policy, we expect UWaterloo to consult with stakeholders on its development and implementation, safeguard individual community members’ right to privacy, and ensure that human rights are preserved. UWSA will continue to advocate for these protections.