Awards database: search results

This database is provided to assist current undergraduate students explore award and funding opportunities at Waterloo.

We endeavour to ensure that all information in the database remains accurate; however, it is subject to change at any time depending on available funding, changes made to the eligibility criteria, and new award opportunities.

Displaying 1 - 25 of 53

Two awards, valued at up to $6,000 each, will be awarded annually to full-time undergraduate students enrolled in Year Two, Three, or Four of select programs in the Faculties of Engineering...

An award, valued at $1,000, is provided annually to full-time undergraduate students in any year in the School of Optometry & Vision Science in the Faculty of Science who have conducted...

A scholarship, valued at up to $1,200, is awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in Year Two, Three, or Four of any program in the School of Accounting and Finance....

An award, valued at $2,500, will be presented annually to a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in Year Two, Three, or Four of the Honours Biology program in the Department of Biology....

One or more awards, valued at up to $3,000 each, are presented annually to outstanding undergraduate students enrolled in Year Two of...

An annual award of up to $300 will be given to one outstanding graduate and undergraduate teaching assistant in the Department of Biology. To be eligible for the award the student must be a...

Several awards, valued at $500 each or more, are available to deserving full-time undergraduate students enrolled in a degree program who have contributed to the University or the community...

Four awards, valued $2,500 each, will be provided annually to full-time undergraduate students in any program who achieve the highest grade in Future Studies (...

The Department of Chemistry offers CHEM 13 NEWS Research Awards to recognize academic excellence of students registered in honours major...

Upper-year scholarships are offered to students on the basis of performance at the University of Waterloo.

Co-operative Education and the Problem Lab are pleased to offer students the opportunity to win a first-prize tuition scholarship of $1,500 or a second-prize tuition scholarship of $750. The Co-op...

Each year, a student from each Faculty will be awarded the Co-op Student of the Year Award. Selection is based on exceptional contributions to one or more of their work-term employers. An...

An award, valued at up to $1,200, is provided annually to a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in Year Two, Three or Four in any Faculty. Students must be in good academic standing and...

Several awards, valued at $1,000 each, will be presented to full-time undergraduate students enrolled in cybersecurity and/or privacy courses. Selection will be based on overall grade in the...

Scholarships, valued at up to $3,000 each, will be awarded annually to full-time undergraduate students enrolled in Year Two, Three, or Four in the Department of Physics & Astronomy in...

A scholarship, valued at base tuition for one academic term, will be awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student entering Year Two of the Honours Chemistry or Honours...

A scholarship, valued at up to $3,000, is awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in Year Two, Three, or Four in...

A scholarship, valued at up to $3,000, is awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in Year Two or Three of the...

The Faculty of Science Foundation bestows this award upon undergraduate students in the Faculty of Science to recognize initiatives and efforts to promote the principles of equity, diversity...

The Faculty of Science Foundation bestows this award upon undergraduate students in the Faculty of Science who have made outstanding contributions that enhance the quality of life for students in...

A limited number of upper-year scholarships in varying amounts are made available each year. Scholarships are based on academic...

A scholarship, valued at up to $3,000, is presented annually to a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in Year One, Two, or Three of...

Two scholarships, valued at $2,500 each, will be awarded annually to full-time undergraduate students enrolled in Year Two of any program in the School of Accounting and Finance. Selection is...

A scholarship, valued at $2,000, will be awarded annually to a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in Year Two, Three or Four of any program in the Faculty of Science. Selection is based on...

A scholarship, valued at $500, is awarded to a student who has demonstrated academic excellence in Optometry and who has been accepted...
