Welcome to United College
United College offers residence, academic courses, and learning opportunities to students at the University of Waterloo. We are affiliated with the University and are located on its main campus.
University of Waterloo courses are taught at United, including courses in International Development, the Master of Development Practice program, Indigenous studies, Indigenous Entrepreneurship, Human rights, Religious studies and Canadian studies.
At United you can also find the Waterloo Indigenous Student Centre, and GreenHouse, a social impact incubator that offers programs, opportunities and a community for students to develop problem-solving skills, form innovative ideas and make new forms of sustainable impact around social or environmental change.
Many Waterloo students – both undergraduate and graduate – choose to live at United. Some come here for the community, some for the learning experience, and some to be part of special communities like the Environment Living Learning Community (LLC), the Women in Engineering LLC, and La Bastille the French-speaking residence community.
Tom Dabrowski Impact Award: Hanna Meili 2021 Recipient
In 1972, Tom Dabrowski began living at St. Paul’s University College while attending the University of Waterloo to complete his math degree. Tom was a fun and outgoing person who was always building community. He helped to create lasting memories at the college with his peers who then became lifelong friends. After Tom passed in 2014, the Tom Dabrowski Impact Award was established to honour his memory and spirit. The award is given annually to a St.
St. Paul’s flu shot clinic
Flu season is upon us and it happens to coincide with the busiest part of our student’s semesters. Going into their exam season, it can be difficult to take extra time out of their day to get off campus and find a way to a pharmacy to receive their flu shots. But that doesn’t take away from the importance they see in protecting themselves and their community.
A short but sweet visit from Mme Michaëlle Jean
Youth Innovators not Letting a Pandemic Stop them
With the announcements of widespread closures at the start of the March Break, GreenHouse’s Youth Innovation Program has had to be, well, innovative. Fortunately, both the students in the program, as well as the organizational hosts and the coordinator, Anne Filion, have risen to the challenge.
GreenHouse in a time of Pandemic
As an innovation community, GreenHouse is in constant evolution. It’s always finding ways to be more impactful in meeting the needs of the social innovators and entrepreneurs it serves.
It’s Like Riding a Bike – Connie Melidy
We’ve all heard the expression: “It’s like riding a bike!” The phrase is often used to describe something that once you’ve learned it, you’ll never forget. Over the past year, however, Connie Melidy and her capstone team of fourth-year mechanical engineering students discovered that learning to ride a bike in the first place is hard for some people, and decided to turn that challenge into their own challenge.