GPS technology may help detect Alzheimer’s disease earlier
Waterloo researchers have used cell phones equipped with a GPS to prove there is a link between the geographical area a person covers in daily life and dementia in older adults.
Waterloo researchers have used cell phones equipped with a GPS to prove there is a link between the geographical area a person covers in daily life and dementia in older adults.
Kinesiology student Matt Vonk and Bronwen Valtchanov of Recreation and Leisure Studies were selected as this year's winners in the 2014 Applied Health Sciences (AHS) 3MT competition.
Faculty of Applied Health Sciences dean Susan Elliott has announced that she will not be seeking reappointment for a second term and has chosen to step down from the position effective July 1, 2014.
New multicomponent exercise recommendations combine muscle strengthening and balance training as a means of reducing falls and resulting fractures for people living with osteoporosis
Marks, who has been awarded a 2014 Women’s Health Scholars Award from the Council of Ontario Universities, researches the ways estrogen affects the synthesis of different fats.
Two teams from Waterloo's School of Public Health and Health Systems beat out 18 other teams from universities across Canada and the United States to finish in second and third place at the 2014 Canadian Evaluation Society’s Student Case Competition in Ottawa.
Life in Space for Life in Earth conference brings together astronauts with leading space scientists.
Jack Callaghan is the recipient of the Canadian Society for Biomechanics Career Award. The award is the Society's highest recognition, honouring an individual who has been a leader in promoting the field of biomechanics in Canada and beyond through excellence in research, education and mentorship.
The pomp and circumstance began at 10:00 a.m. with the Applied Health Sciences ceremony of the University's 108th convocation. Three-hundred and sixty nine students received their undergraduate and graduate degrees.
Associate Professor Martin Cooke has received the Angus Reid Practitioners/Applied Sociology Award from the Canadian Sociological Association.