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Sports increase well-being of gay and lesbian athletes
Involvement in lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) sport groups makes gay and lesbian athletes feel better about their sexual identity and helps them come out in their everyday lives, according to research from the University of Waterloo.
Heather Moyse wins gold
Heather Moyse and her longtime sled partner Kaillie Humphries made Olympic history in Sochi.
Tobacco company’s claims inaccurate, say Waterloo researchers
Claims by cigar distributor Casa Cubana that flavoured tobacco products are not a threat to today’s youth are at odds with research, say researchers at the Propel Centre for Population Health Impact at the University of Waterloo.
Decline in Canadian smoking rates stalling
After years of steady decline, rates of tobacco use in Canada have stalled, according to a new report published by the Propel Centre for Population Health Impact at the University of Waterloo.
The report found that 16.1% or 4.6 million Canadians were current smokers in 2012, which was not a significant change from 2011.
MAREP video series offers new hope for those living with dementia
Things that were once easy for Mary Beth Wighton, like remembering the four-digit pin on her debit card, are now a challenge.
Video series offers hope for those living with dementia
The Murray Alzheimer Research and Education Program (MAREP) at the University of Waterloo has released a new video series aimed at changing the way people think about dementia.
Shortage of geriatricians in Canada creating perfect storm
There aren't enough geriatricians in Canada to cope with the number of older adults, reports a new paper from the University of Waterloo and published in the Canadian Geriatrics Journal.
Recreation and Leisure Studies Living-Learning Community
If you're looking for a living environment where your floormates are also your classmates, consider the Recreation and Leisure Studies Living-Learning Community. You'll live with a "cluster" of other first-year Recreation and Leisure Studies students.
Neighbourhood outreach with a smile
In November, the University, in partnership with the Waterloo Public Library John M. Harper Branch and the Stork Family YMCA, hosted a day of free family programming developed by Recreation and Leisure Studies students from REC 220 Program Management course.