Eihab Abdel-Rahman
Research interests: dynamics of micro and nano systems; micro power generators; MEMS and NEMS; atomic force microscopes
Research interests: dynamics of micro and nano systems; micro power generators; MEMS and NEMS; atomic force microscopes
Research interests: organic electronic and optoelectronic materials and devices; flexible and printable electronics
Research interests: terahertz; quantum cascading lasers; nanophotonics; nanofabrication; SPM
Research interests: semiconductor quantum devices, quantum transport, spin-based quantum information processing
Research interests: coupling spins and nanomechanical oscillators; nanometer scale magnetic resonance imaging
Research interests: targeted drug and gene delivery; interfacial engineering; bio-medical engineering; polymer synthesis; energy storage and rechargeable batteries
Research interests: micro-nanofabrication, lithography, MEMS fabrication, microneedle, AFM probe fabrication, terahertz photoconductive antenna, dry plasma etching
Research interests: sustainability assessment of product systems, particularly emerging technologies, and biobased systems
Research interests: nanomaterials synthesis, characterization; device integration
Research interests: micro- and nano-analytical chemistry and instrumentation
Research interests: large-scale solid-state quantum computer; quantum simulator for quantum information processing and communications
Research interests: nanoscale devices; single electron transistors
Research interests: chemical physics; surface chemistry; nano-materials; nano-devices; nano-biotechnology
Research interests: bioelectronic systems laboratory; CMOS biochips for biomolecular and cellular assays; biodiagnostic devices for single molecule detection
Research interests: micro/nano fluidics; lab-on-a-chip; EMK transport
Research interests: molecular engineering of polymer/transparent semiconductors for organic electronics (OTFT, OPV, DSC, OLED) and low temp-process conductive inks on plastic substrates
Research interests: quantum computation; superconducting circuits; microwave photons
Research interests: nanoparticle based thin film sensors; nanocomposite films; materials and tools for bio-nano devices, systems
Research interests: superconducting optoelectronics; microwave-photonics/quantum devices; electromagnetic band gap structures
Research interests: RF MEMS/NEMS; atomically precise manufacturing; scanning probe microscopy; RF-CMOS technology; multiplexers; superconductive microwave devices
Research interests: spintronics for information processing; nanodevices based on new spin systems such as topological insulators; synthetic diamonds
Research Interests: Microfluidics/Nanofluidics; Bio-MEMS; Integrated Water Management
Research interests: micro and nanoelectromechanical systems (MEMS and NEMS); microbotics; biosensors; biomanipulators
Research interests: solid phase microextraction; design of advanced integrated instrumentation for sample preparation, separation and detection
Research interests: directed assembly of graphene-based nanocomposites; supercapacitors; next generation batteries; electrochemical sensors, electrocatalysts; thin films and membranes
Research interests: bio-sensing approaches for therapeutics and diagnostics purposes and translating biomedical devices to the clinic.
Research interests: micro/nano-fluidics; lab-on-a-chip; protein separation; live-colony detection
Research interests: Digital circuit design for low power; Low voltage applications; High performance mixed-signal circuit design; Robust design practices for VLSI; Cybersecurity
Research interests: nanophotonic devices; optoelectronics components for datacom and telecom
Research interests: inflatable space structures, dynamics, vibrations, continuum modelling, energy harvesting using smart materials
Research interests: synthesis of organic materials for applications in organic solar cells, field effect transistors, imaging, displays
Research interests: low-dimensional quantum materials and devices
Research interests: fire performance of materials, fire safety and flame retardancy, fire sensors, monitoring and connected systems, small-scale through real-scale fire testing and behaviour, experimental fire research, fire performance of assemblies, fire suppression, fire fighter training and applications, chemical emissions from fires, liquid pool fires, wildland and forest fires
Research interests: low dimensional materials based integrated systems for energy storage, conversion and delivery
Research interests: flexible electronics; solid-state lighting; nanofabrication for energy conversion and storage; laser processing of materials
Research interests: superconductivity; thin films and single crystals; nano sensors; NEMS; MEMS; quantum information storage
Research interests: Imaging Devices, Micro/Nanodevices, MEMS; Nanosensors
Research interests: modelling and computer simulations for emerging devices; quantum transport in low dimensional materials such as graphene
Research interests: corporate social responsibility; life-cycle assessment; responsible sourcing; sustainability standards and management systems; auditing, assurance and certification; sustainable materials, conflict minerals and critical raw materials
Research interests:nanomaterials, nanofabrication and nanodevices
Research interests: Computational chemistry, Machine Learning, Materials Sciences, Nonlinear Optics, Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopies, High performance computing and software development, Data solutions for sciences, Computational electrochemistry and surface science
Research interests: structure and reactivity of atomically precise nanoclusters
Research interests: Epsilon-Near-Zero materials; metasurfaces; photonic crystal-based and disordered optical devices