Anti-Racism Form

We are committed to understanding and identifying racism, removing systemic racism within our Faculty and leading by example. In order to move forward, Science is committed to first stepping back. We will listen and learn from the experiences of our students, faculty, staff and alumni to create lasting change in the Faculty of Science.

We want to hear from you. Please use the form below to anonymously share your experiences, concerns, comments and/or suggestions for the Faculty of Science. We want to know about any incidents of racism, including microaggression, interpersonal acts of racism, systemic racism, to improve our awareness and initiate change.

  • If you’re a student, faculty or staff member and you’ve experienced racism and need a space for support, understanding your resources, potential next steps and/or advocacy: connect with the Equity Office at 
  • If you’re a student, faculty or staff member and you’ve experienced racism and would like to explore informal mediation, understand your rights, or file a grievance under a Policy 33: connect with Matt Erickson at
  • Additional Anti-Racism resources are available from the Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion office (HREI). 

We want to the Faculty of Science to be a more open and safer environment. Let’s chart an inclusive future together.