Modifying your program

Are you looking to change or modify your program? There may be multiple steps which need to be completed depending on what you wish to do. Here is some general information applicable for any changes you plan to make:

  • Make sure you have the appropriate advisor signatures before submitting the form for processing. Please note this may delay any changes to your program.
  • Any approved changes will be made to your Quest account in approximately 2 – 3 weeks unless the change cannot happen until current term grades are official.

Within a Science program

Changing Science program (first-year student)

Steps before form submission Email for more details.
Advisors to consult Consult with a Science Undergraduate Office academic advisor regarding the program you want to transfer to make sure that you are eligible.

Requests can be reviewed for the current term if submitted prior to the following dates: 

  • October 31 (Fall)
  • January 31 (Winter)
  • June 30 (Spring)

After the deadline, please wait until grades for the current term are available to complete the plan modification form. Exceptions are:

  • Registration in program is needed for upcoming course selection or enrolment
  • Requests to move to co-op from regular are only reviewed after first-year (i.e. in May each year)
Form to submit

Plan Modification Form must be submitted prior to enrolment for next academic term.

How to submit approved forms Email for more details.
Additional notes Decisions are usually made once term grades are available. If approved, the Registrar's Office will then change your program on Quest.
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Changing Science program (upper-year student)

Steps before form submission N/A
Advisors to consult Consult with a program advisor for the program you want to transfer to confirm eligibility.

Requests can be reviewed for the current term if submitted prior to the following dates: 

  • October 31 (Fall)
  • January 31 (Winter)
  • June 30 (Spring)

After the deadline, please wait until grades for the current term are available to complete the plan modification form. The exceptions, where a change can be made to the subsequent term of registration, are:

  • No active courses, e.g. spring term off, work term.
  • Moving from co-op to regular
  • Registration in program is needed for upcoming course selection or enrolment
Form to submit

Plan Modification Form must be submitted prior to enrolment for next academic term.

How to submit approved forms Fill out the Plan Modification form and email to advisor of desired program for their approval. If requiring more than one approval, send to one advisor at a time for their e-signature. Once the form is completed, the signing academic advisor will submit your request via email for you OR you can submit it to The Centre as per the form instructions.
Additional notes Decisions are usually made once term grades are available. If approved, the Registrar's Office will then change your program on Quest.
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 Changing co-op sequence

Steps before form submission

When proposing a change to your co-op sequence, you must ensure that your program requirements can still be met.

Consider laying out your future sequence in a Word or Excel doc (indicating when you will take the remaining courses) so this can be shared with your academic advisor, along with your Sequence Change Form.

Advisors to consult

Consult with your program advisor before agreeing with an employer to make a change to your sequence noting your PD course requirements as well, and obtain approval. If you apply to a job that doesn’t match your co-op sequence and a sequence change isn’t approved, this will be considered a renege, which comes with penalties.

Please note that Science rarely approves an 8-month work term for WT1 and WT2 as it often has a negative impact on future sequencing and course availability. If you are interested in an 8-month work term but are only scheduled for 4 months, please have this conversation with your academic advisor before you apply. Most work/study sequences have an 8-month work term, so 8-month work opportunities will need to wait until this part of your sequence. A sequence with two 8-month work terms is even less likely to be approved.

Similarly, 12-16 month work terms have an impact on your sequence and if you are considering one of these roles, you need to connect with your academic advisor well in advance of applying to these roles.

Deadline Sequence changes are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Please speak with your academic advisor for additional details.
Form to submit

Complete the Sequence Change Form and send it to your academic advisor. If you have laid out your plans for your future terms, plan to send this as well to help your academic advisor approve your plan quickly.

How to submit approved forms Your academic advisor will forward the documents to the appropriate Co-operative Education advisors. Once submitted, it may take up to 14 business days to be processed
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Sequence changes that impact a first work term

I want to: What do I need to know? Who should I talk to?
Defer my first work term to later in my sequence

Have you connected with your co-op advisor to discuss your job search strategy?
•    You can connect with your co-op advisor within WaterlooWorks if you have questions on how to customize and expand your job search.

Have you applied to jobs on WaterlooWorks for your first work term?

•    If yes, you will not have access to WaterlooWorks for the deferred work term. You will need to find your own job and submit an Arrange Own Job form.

Have you considered applying to Waterloo Experience Accelerate (WEA)?

•    WEA can help you develop in-demand skills while learning from industry collaborators. You'll work in teams on real-world projects to gain experience and earn a flexible work term credit.

The Faculty of Science does not recommend deferring first work terms unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Speak to your academic advisor about what it would mean to move your first work term. For example, what impact will this have on your course sequencing? Will you still be able to fit 5 work terms in your sequence? Remember to contact the Centre for Work-Integrated Learning Advisor to learn about how deferring your first work term may affect your PD requirements.

Working with your academic advisor will help you create an updated plan to complete your degree. Note: future course offerings are subject to change.

Forfeit my first work term to take an academic term or an off term

Have you considered the impact this will have on achieving your degree requirements?

•    Science requires students to secure 4 work terms. With 5 work terms, you have a buffer in case something doesn’t go to plan. When you forfeit a work term to take academic courses, you no longer have that buffer.

The Faculty of Science does not recommend changing  first work terms to academic terms or off terms unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Speak to your academic advisor about whether you could change your sequence to still include five work terms. Whenever possible, the Faculty of Science recommends keeping all 5 work terms in your sequence. As you progress in your degree and have further experience, you may be in a better place to forfeit a later work term to take an academic or off term. Remember to contact the Centre for Work-Integrated Learning Advisor to learn about how forfeiting your first work term may affect your PD requirements.

If you’re an international student, taking an off term can have implications on your immigration status. Speak to a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant in the International Experience Centre to learn more.

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A video guide for students on how to fill out the Request for Academic/Work Term Sequence Change Form in the event they wish to make changes to their co-op academic/work term sequence.

Remote video URL

Changing from regular to co-op

Steps before form submission
  1. Understand the co-op process, fees, and preparation for working as a co-op student.
  2. Note which requirement category applies:
  • Previously in co-op program with no work term or PD course completed and removed due to not meeting program requirements, Good Standing (70% overall average) in last academic term
  • Previously in co-op program with work term(s) and PD course(s) completed and removed due to not meeting program requirements, Satisfactory Standing in last academic term
  • Started in regular program, end of first year, Good Standing (70% overall average)
  • Started in regular program, second year or higher, Good Standing (70% overall average) and viable work study sequence
Advisors to consult

Consult with the academic advisor for the co-op program you are requesting.

Deadline December 15 for winter, April 15 for spring, August 15 for fall.
Form to submit
  • Fill out the Plan Modification Form and obtain an approval signature from the appropriate program advisor. 
  • Fill out the Request for Co-op Webform and attach:
    • Your signed Plan Modification Form 
    • Your current resume
  • Students who are not issued a co-op work permit upon entry to Canada can apply for a co-op work permit once in Canada. If a request for co-op is approved, students should apply as soon as possible to ensure the co-op work permit is in hand before beginning work terms.
How to submit approved forms

If your application to move into co-op has been approved, we will submit everything on your behalf and inform you of the outcome.

Additional notes

There should be no incomplete (INC) courses.

Students beyond 1B will be considered on a case by case basis as there is a need to ensure a viable work and study sequence.

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Changing from co-op to regular

If you are considering changing from coop to regular, and are in a current PD course, contact your academic advisor and/or the Centre for Work-Integrated Learning Advisor ( to determine if the change will affect your PD course.

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Declaring or changing specialization

Steps before form submission N/A
Advisors to consult Consult with the academic advisor for the program with the specialization.

These changes can be done anytime and can be approved immediately.

Form to submit

Complete the Plan Modification Form and email it to the appropriate advisor for their approval. 

How to submit approved forms Once the form is completed, the signing academic advisor will submit your request via email for you OR you can submit it to The Centre as per the form instructions.
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Adding a minor or option

Steps before form submission Review degree requirements on the Undergraduate Studies Academic Calendar. Typically, at least two courses for the minor/option need to be completed before the request can be reviewed.
Advisors to consult Approval must be granted from the academic advisor from the department which the minor/option is being taken.
Deadline This type of Plan Modification can be submitted anytime. 
Form to submit

Complete the Plan Modification Form

How to submit approved forms Once the form is completed, the signing academic advisor will submit your request via email for you OR you can submit it to The Centre as per the form instructions.

*Students interested in a joint honours program should consult the Undergraduate Calendar for more details.

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Withdrawing from a term

Steps before form submission N/A
Advisors to consult Consult with your program advisor or with an advisor in the SUO.
Deadline The withdrawal form outlines details around timing.
Form to submit

Complete and submit the Undergraduate Notice of Withdrawal Form

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Outside of a Science program

Transferring to Science from a different faculty

Steps before form submission
Advisors to consult Science transfer advisor Maureen Wolff – fill out the Transferring to Science webform for an appointment.
Deadline Transfers for the next term will be considered up to the final day of classes of the current term.
Form to submit The web form associated with the Transferring to Science page must be submitted before any conversation can take place.
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Transferring from Science to a different faculty

Steps before form submission
  • Understand your motivations to transfer out of Science
  • Determine which Faculty and program you want to take
  • Review admission requirements for your chosen Faculty and program
Advisors to consult Speak with the Science transfer advisor – Maureen Wolff and the transfer advisor from the new faculty, or advisor for the program.
Deadline Expect there to be a timeline to follow, established by the desired faculty.
Form to submit Complete Faculty Transfer form.
How to submit approved forms

Look for instructions on the web, whether by faculty or program. More details can be found on the transfer pages for Health, Arts, Engineering, Environment, and Math respectively.

Additional notes A decision will be made once your current term grades are available. You will then be notified of the decision and can proceed, if approved, to choose your courses during your enrolment appointment.
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