Staff performance appraisal process

Thursday, January 7, 2021

2020 was a different year, making it necessary to change the way staff is evaluated 

  • Staff members soon have two decisions to make regarding your process and your rating.  

  • You need to let your manager know your decisions as soon as possible, but before Friday, January 15, 2021.  

UWSA members serving on The Provost's Advisory Committee on Staff Compensation (PACSC) successfully advocated for safeguards to be put in place for the 2020 performance appraisal process. For this year only, as outlined in a memo to staff and managers from James W.E. Rush, VP, Academic and Provost on November 12, 2020, staff members will have a degree of choice in how their performance appraisal is completed. Your UWSA is pleased to offer this overview to help you decide which approach you should take.  

First Decision: Choose your process method:   

  1. Conversation-only with your manager 
  2. Conversation with your manager and submit a Staff Appraisal Form 

 Someone may choose the (a) conversation-only if they have extenuating personal circumstances that have impacted their work performance, and which they do not want to discuss or have documented. Another factor impacting your decision to use the conversation-only process may be that you are concerned about the time and effort required to complete a performance appraisal form. Choosing (b) conversation and appraisal form may help your manager understand where you have gone above and beyond this year. Depending on how your work has been impacted by the events of 2020, the traditional evaluation process may or may not be the best way to assess your performance.   

Second Decision: Choose your rating method:  

  1. Accept the average of your past three performance ratings 
  2. Let your manager know you would like to discuss an increased rating 

As outlined in the November 12 memo, your performance rating will be at least the average of your last three ratings. If you are unsure of your average past three ratings, ask your manager; they should have received the information for their direct reports sometime after December 7, 2020. Someone may choose to advocate for a rating higher than the average of the past three years if they feel that the average rating does not reflect how they have risen to the challenges presented by the pandemic. To successfully advocate for a higher rating, staff members are well advised to gather evidence of their accomplishments through the Staff Activity Form or some other means. 

UWSA has four members on PACSC, who advocate on behalf of our members. If you have any questions or concerns about your staff performance appraisal this year, please reach out to UWSA President Kathy Becker at or extension 41208.