Thursday, October 8, 2020

At the June 2020 Area Reps meeting with Vice-President Academic & Provost James Rush, a lengthy discussion took place about the regularity of pay for staff at UW. Although changing the pay schedule seemed cumbersome in the past, the introduction of WorkDay made a change more feasible. On August 12, 2020 the Communications and Membership committee sent UWSA members a survey, seeking input on preferred pay schedules.  The results are in and will now be sent to the next meeting of Provost Advisory Committee on Staff Compensation

bar graph

Survey responses:

  1. What type of employee are you?

746 staff, 1 faculty, 1 researcher, 2 retirees, and 1 spouse of staff.

  1. How often are you currently paid?

746 one time each month, 2 bi-weekly.

  1. How often would you like to be paid?

Monthly 280, bi-weekly 353, semi-monthly (two times each month) 115

  1. 2024 (15)
    1. June (3)
    2. May (2)
    3. April (4)
    4. March (2)
    5. February (2)
    6. January (2)
  2. 2023 (18)
    1. December (2)
    2. October (5)
    3. September (2)
    4. August (3)
    5. June (1)
    6. May (2)
    7. April (3)
  3. 2022 (8)
    1. October (2)
    2. June (1)
    3. May (1)
    4. April (2)
    5. February (1)
    6. January (1)
  4. 2021 (12)
  5. 2020 (10)
  6. 2019 (6)
  7. 2018 (6)
  8. 2017 (2)
  9. 2016 (3)
  10. 2015 (5)
  11. 2014 (1)
  12. 2013 (8)
  13. 2012 (4)
  14. 2011 (1)
  15. 2010 (6)
  16. 2009 (1)