Paul Socken

Distinguished Professor Emeritus

B.A. (Toronto), M.A. (Iowa), Ph.D. (Toronto)

Paul Socken is a specialist in French-Canadian literature, particularly in the novel. He has done research on the thematic and stylistic aspects of Gabrielle Roy and is currently publishing in the area of mythology and French-Canadian literature.

P Socken.

 He has published a concordance of Gabrielle Roy's Bonheur d'Occasion and Myth and Morality in Alexandre Chenevert, and more recently, the Myth of the Lost Paradise in the Novels of Jacques Poulin and The French They Never Taught You.

Professor Socken's latest book Gabrielle Roy Today/Gabrielle Roy aujourd'hui (Les Editions des Plaines, 2003) commemorates the 20th year since the death of this great Canadian novelist with commentary from 18 scholars from all over the world.

His forthcoming book (McGill/Queen's University Press, 2013) is titled "The Edge of the Precipice: Why Read Literature in the Digital Age?"

Representative Publications

Intimate Strangers (2004)
Gabrielle Roy Today / Gabrielle Roy aujourd'hui (2003) 
The French They Never Taught You (with José Binamé) (2002) 
Patrimoines: La Francophonie en Amérique du nord (with P.H. Dubé and Ann Dubé) (1992) 
The Myth of the Lost Paradise in the Novels of Jacques Poulin (1993) 
Concordance de Bonheur d'occasion de Gabrielle Roy (1982) 
Myth and Morality in Alexandre Chenevert by G. Roy (1987)

Chapters/Articles in Books 
Gabrielle Roy. An Annotated Bibliography in The Annotated Bibliography of Canada's Major Authors (1979)

Selected Professional and Community Affiliations 
Association of Quebec and Canadian Studies 
Association of Canadian Studies in the United States 
Association française d'études canadiennes