Le programme de maîtrise


D’une durée d’un an, le programme de maîtrise en études françaises comporte trois options qui permettent d’adapter vos études à vos besoins. Nous offrons ainsi une maîtrise obtenue en suivant des séminaires, une maîtrise avec mémoire et une maîtrise avec thèse. Les étudiant.e.s sont invité.e.s à choisir ce parcours durant leur premier trimestre. Il est possible de commencer vos études à deux moments différents dans l’année (en septembre ou en janvier) et de vous inscrire à temps plein ou à temps partiel. L’Université de Waterloo offre un programme très intéressant de bourses et d’emplois d’assistant.e.s, dans les domaines de l’enseignement et de la recherche, pour subventionner nos étudiant.e.s et leur permettre d’acquérir de l’expérience !

Vous trouverez plus bas la description détaillée de chaque parcours, telle qu’on la retrouve dans le Graduate Studies Academic Calendar de l’Université de Waterloo.  </span>

Exigences – parcours séminaires | coursework option

The minimum average required for graduation is 72%.

A student receiving a course grade below 70% may be asked to withdraw from the program. Students are automatically enrolled in the Course study option during their first term in the MA Program.

Exigences – parcours mémoire | major research paper option

  • Graduate Academic Integrity Module (Graduate AIM)

  • 6 courses, including FR600 (Research methods in French Studies)
  • Students may take 1 course in another department, upon approval of the Associate Chair, Graduate Studies.
  • Research paper (mémoire) of approximately 50 pages, written in French.

No more than one course with a grade lower than 70% is permitted.
The research paper topic must be approved by the French Studies Graduate Committee. The paper will be written under the supervision of a professor of the Department. Please see a list of our faculty research areas.

The research paper must be read and approved by a Reading committee of two professors, the supervisor and an internal reader. The student will normally be notified within three weeks of submission of the research paper (mémoire) of its approval/rejection by the Reading Committee.

Exigences – parcours thèse | thesis option

  • Graduate Academic Integrity Module (Graduate AIM)
  • 4 courses, including FR600 (Research methods and professional communication)
  • Students may take 1 course in another department, upon approval of the Associate Chair, Graduate Studies.
  • Thesis paper of approximately 100 pages, written in French, and thesis defense

To be accepted to the thesis study option, you must first pass two graduate courses with a minimum average of 80%. A student receiving a course grade below 78% must revert to the course study option.

The thesis paper topic must be approved by the Graduate Studies Committee of the Department. The paper will be written under the supervision of a professor of the Department. Please see a list of our faculty research areas.

The thesis must be approved by the thesis supervisor and two other readers appointed by the Graduate Studies Committee, and must be defended orally before the thesis committee.