Tara Collington
519-888-4567 x46123
Office: ML 334B
- Ph.D. French, University of Toronto, 2000
- M.A., French Literature, McMaster University, 1992
- Honours B.A., English and French, McMaster University, 1991
Catherine Dubeau
519-888-4567 x45499
Office: ML 341
- B.A. Littératures française et québécoise, Université Laval, 2000
- M.A. Études littéraires, Université Laval, 2002
- PhD Études littéraires, Université Laval, 2007
Valérie Dusaillant-Fernandes
519-888-4567 x41140
- D.E.U.G (Lettres, Arts, Expression et Communication), Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, 1988
- M.A. French Studies, University of Waterloo, 2004
- PhD French Studies, University of Toronto, 2010
Nicolas Gauthier
519-888-4567 x42773
Office: ML 332A
- Post-Doctorate Fellowship, University of Calgary, 2011-2012
- Ph.D. French Studies, University of Montreal and University Stendhal – Grenoble 3 (France), 2011
- Foreign Scientific Boarder at the École Normale Supérieure – Lettres et Sciences Humaines (Lyon, France), 2006-2007
- M.A. French Studies, University of Montreal, 2004
- B.A. French Studies, University of Montreal, 2002
Nicolas Hebbinckuys
519-888-4567 x42414
Office: ML 340
- Licence ès Lettres modernes, ICES (France) et Université Sainte-Anne (Nouvelle-Écosse), 2004
- Maîtrise en Littérature comparée, ICES (France), 2006
- PhD en Études littéraires, Université de Moncton (Nouveau-Brunswick), 2015
Mes travaux de recherche s’orientent autour de deux centres d’intérêts : la littérature de voyage en Amérique (XVIe – XVIIe siècles) et l’intégration des nouvelles technologies dans l’enseignement du français langue seconde. Je m’intéresse, plus précisément, aux stratégies discursives du genre viatique et aux représentations de l’altérité américaine (peuples, espaces, faune et flore) dans les textes et l’iconographie de la Renaissance et du Grand Siècle. Je développe, par ailleurs, du contenu interactif pour les cours en ligne et je mène des expériences en didactique des langues sur l’identification des erreurs persistantes, la rétroaction et le réinvestissement.
Svetlana Kaminskaïa
Email: skaminskaia@uwaterloo.ca
Phone: 519-888-4567 x42465
Office: ML 337
Mikalai Kliashchuk
519-888-4567 x42426
Office: ML 327
BA (Minsk), MA (Minsk), MA (Western University), PhD (Western University)
Mikalai Kliashchuk is a specialist in linguistics with a specialisation in syntax. He obtained his Master’s degree in French at the University of Western Ontario and completed his PhD dissertation focusing on the syntax and semantics of interrogative constructions.
Élise Lepage
519-888-4567 x43593
Office: ML 330
- Licence Lettres modernes - Littérature générale et comparée, Université Stendhal – Grenoble 3, 2003
- Master 2 Langue et littérature françaises, Université Lumière – Lyon 2, 2005
- PhD French Studies, University of British Columbia, 2010
Christine McWebb
519-888-4567 x23008
Office: DMS 3122
BA, MA, PhD (Western)
Professor McWebb’s present research focuses mainly on the Digital Humanities and late medieval French literature and culture. She has published extensively on the late medieval French writer Christine de Pizan as well as on the Roman de la rose. Of particular interest are Christine de Pizan’s sustained reactions to this work and the relation between text and iconography in late medieval literature. She published a critical anthology Debating the Roman de la rose: A Critical Anthology with Routledge (2007) and is currently working on a monograph on the textual and iconographic discourse of alchemy in the Roman de la rose. Further, she is co-director of the internationally recognized MARGOT project, which publishes in enriched digital form literary and iconographic materials from the French Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period. Her most recent contribution to this digitization project is the development of an image annotation software called imageMAT that is now in its beta phase. Her teaching includes undergraduate and graduate courses on digital cultures, media history and innovation, medieval literature, women writers in the Middle Ages, and translation.
Nicole Nolette
519-888-4567 x46850
Office: ML 332
Rocky Penate
Guy Poirier
519-888-4567 x43394
Office: ML 335
B.A. Université Laval, 1983
M.A. McGill University, 1986
PhD McGill University, 1991
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
Alexie Tcheuyap, FRSC
Professor Tcheuyap completed his BA in Bilingual Studies and his Maîtrise and Doctorat de Troisième Cycle in African Literature at the University of Yaoundé and earned his PhD in French Literature from Queen’s University.
Cynthia Mills
519-888-4567 x45199
Office: ML 338A
- B.A., French Studies, Laval University, Quebec City, 1990
- M.A., Linguistics, Laval University, Quebec City, 2005
Kanstantsin Tsedryk
519-888-4567 x48408
Office: ML 331
- B.A. Minsk State Linguistic University (Belarus), 2003
- M.A. French Studies, Western University, 2004
- Ph.D. French Studies, Western University, 2014