Regional Municipality of Waterloo orthoimagery (2014)

In August 2015, the Geospatial Centre received from the Region of Waterloo 2014 full colour orthoimagery. These 1 km tiles have a resolution of 12 cm. Data format are stored as TIFF image files. Individual file size is approximately 205 MB. Total data package size is 389 GB.

Canadian crime data (1998 -2010)

Canadian crime data available at the census metropolitan area (CMA) level, for the years 1998 - 2010. The data was extracted from the Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (Stats Canada).

Geospatial Centre welcomes Markus Wieland (GIS) Specialist

Markus’ main responsibilities include:

  • Provides advanced geospatial technical and information services
  • Provides instruction on GIS software, in classrooms, workshops and one-on-one
  • Develops geospatial digital projects to enhance data collection access and discovery

GIS Day on November 18th!

Are you interested in participating in GIS Day on November 18th?

  • Lightening talks in the Flex Lab
  • GIS presentations
  • Learn from colleagues

How did we do?

As part of an ongoing improvement process, we're committed to monitoring the quality of the services we provide at the Geospatial Centre. We would really appreciate your feedback regarding your recent experiences at the Geospatial Centre.

Thank you!

Archival 1:25,000 National Topographic System (NTS) maps available through Geospatial Centre

As part of an Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) initiative, the Geospatial Centre has scanned, and made available to the public archival (1957 – 1966) 1:25,000 topographic (NTS) maps. The high-quality TIF files were scanned at 600 dpi, and have an average file size of 750 MB.

To access files, please come to the Geospatial Centre during reference hours.

City of Waterloo Lidar (2014)

This data resource was received from the City of Waterloo in May, 2015.  The 1 km x 1 km tiled data set was collected between November 2nd - 3rd, 2014 with an average flying height above ground of 1,200 metres (m) producing a horizontal accuracy of ~0.31 m root square mean error (rmse).

City core boundaries: Waterloo and Kitchener

Received city core boundaries from both the City of Waterloo and the City of Kitchener.

City of Waterloo: 2015 municipal data

Received 2015 municipal data from the City of Waterloo. Updated files include: sanitary and storm sewer, water distribution, bia area, city boundary, creeks, district plans, forests, heritage buildings, heritage district, major transportation routes, neighbourhood associations, official plan, railway, rivers, road cover, schools, sidewalks and trails, water bodies and zoning.
