Applied Math Graduate Students win Presentation Awards
At the recent AMMCS 2015/CAIMS-SCMAI 2015/23rd CFDSC Conference several Applied Math students won awards for their presentations:
At the recent AMMCS 2015/CAIMS-SCMAI 2015/23rd CFDSC Conference several Applied Math students won awards for their presentations:
At a recent celebration, Applied Math Faculty Members Xinzhi Liu, Kirsten Morris and Siv Sivaloganthan were honoured for 25 years of service to the University of Waterloo, while and Applied Math Administrator, Maureen Fraser, was honoured for 35 years of service. Congratulations to all!
Undergraduate student Jason Blais, who recently graduated with a double major in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, has won the Governor General Silver Medal.
Melanie Chanona, undergraduate student in Mathematical Physics, is a co-winner of the 2015 Jessie W.H. Zou Memorial Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research.
Nine graduate degrees in Applied Mathematics were awarded at the Spring 2015 convocation:
Three graduate students in Applied Math have won outstanding TA awards for 2014-2015.
Three Applied Math graduate students competed in the 2015 Three-Minute Thesis competition, in which students have one slide and three minutes to explain their thesis research to a general audience.
The Physics News website has highlighted work by three applied math researchers: PhD student Robert Jonsson, Research Assistant Professor Eduardo Martín-Martínez, and Professor Achim Kempf.
Applied math undergraduate Shouzhen Gu, along with teammates Shun Da Suo and Wuhan Zhou in the BBA/BCS program, have won a silver medal in the 2014 University Physics Competition for their contribution on circumbinary planets. The competition attracted contributions from 131 teams, and awarded 2 gold and 23 silver medals.
The following Applied Mathematics students who were awarded scholarships for 2014-2015 were honoured at the Annual Faculty of Mathematics Banquet: